Hide and Seek | Teen Ink

Hide and Seek

June 5, 2014
By arieker20 SILVER, Dardenne Prairie, Missouri
arieker20 SILVER, Dardenne Prairie, Missouri
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Vibrant green leaves flutter like a giant natural blanket above the tree trunks. Specks of bright, white sunlight peek through the gaps between the clusters of branches. A faint thudding sounds as the animal freely races through the woods. The cool air rushes against its face as its feather-light feet float effortlessly over the ground. A sudden strange smell in the air causes the animal to stop abruptly. A human.
The creature stands still, looking around for a sign of the strange creature. The calmness of the forest slows the animal’s racing heart. Birds swoop playfully above, chasing each other through the canopy in their own little worlds. A narrow creek bubbles through the small, rocky valley between the ancient roots of giant trees. A bullfrog croaks, its voice echoing through the woods. The animal starts to run again; No sign of the human remains.

On the other side of the forest, a person explores. The person spots deer, raccoons, rabbits, chipmunks, birds, frogs, everything imaginable. Little does the human know, another mysterious animal dashes about, staying as hidden as a ghost. The elusive and secret-keeping trees keep the animal obscured from humans, and they will for years to come.

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