Dustin | Teen Ink


July 26, 2014
By Hestia BRONZE, Houston, Texas
Hestia BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If I die today just remember me as Kazuya

Coming home to you is never better than work, I love you of course I have to right? I mean you are my only child. Its just you cry and yell a lot .But you are still a baby, you dont know any better.

I drop my briefcase on the table with a big sigh. Today was terrible, Jenny in payroll forgot to pass on someones pay check and I was the one getting yelled at. My tennis elbow was acting up again and we are out of alieve.

"Today is just not my day." I say to myself.

I step into the kitchen to make a sandwhich, glad to not have to deal with you yet.

I start to get ready for bed and while im in the restroom brushing my teeth I start to hear you whine. I continue my routine with washing my face. I start to splash my face with water when I hear you start to cry. At this point im taking out my contacts about to climb into bed and its almost like you are screaming bloody murder. Im in bed trying to get some sleep but all I can think about and hear is you. I sit up and swing my legs over the side of my bed placing my head in my hands sighing loudly knowing there is no getting away from this.

I like to think that I have built up a tolerance to this but it is different tonight. Tonight I can't take it anymore. I don't know what more you want, I have went to your grave every month and have apologized. What more do you want of me? Why won't you just shut the f*** up. I can't handle this anymore I think as I grab the rope. I start to make a noose, what am I doing? I told myself that I would never resort to this. I try to stop but it's as if someone is controlling me. Now I am truly terrified. I shut my eyes thinking it will make things stop but of course it doesn't work.

I walk over to the window as I start to cry in sync with you. I start to tie the rope to the curtain rod and I pull a chair close. Still not in control of my movements I step up on the chair and place the noose around my neck

"Please no, oh my god I don't want to die, not like this," I exclaim.

I step off the chair feeling the noose tighten, I can't breathe but im not dead yet. Before I take my last bresthe I hear your sad cries turn into a sinister laugh.

The author's comments:
This is a paranormal piece about a father and his offspring.

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