Expect the Unexpected | Teen Ink

Expect the Unexpected

July 30, 2014
By SupernaturallyMe BRONZE, Asheboro, North Carolina
SupernaturallyMe BRONZE, Asheboro, North Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you want to view paradise
Simply look around and view it
Anything you want to, do it
Wanta change the world?
There's nothing
To it

There is no
Life I know
To compare with
Pure imagination
Living there
You'll be free
If you truly wish to be

“Alana. Alana. Alana.” I slowly opened my eyes as I grabbed the closest thing I could find, which just so happened to be a letter opener. How was I supposed to know, before I went to bed, to prepare for an intruder. My mother worked the night shift at the hospital, it was far too early for her to be home. “Alana, I know you’re here.” the voice called. It was dark and vicious, but it was also deep, leading me to believe that a man had broken into my house. I straightened the bed, to make it look as if I was never here, grabbed my phone, and hid under the bed. Whoever was in my home was walking loudly, they were not hiding, they wanted to make me aware of their presence, but why? Why come after a teenage girl? As far as I knew I haven’t done anything wrong. What made me irritated was the state of the art security system that mother paid for. It had been working perfectly, since it was installed, but this was clearly a case of “in the wrong place at the wrong time” or maybe it was just bad luck. All I knew was that when it came down to me actually needing the security system, it didn’t work. ”I don’t know why you’re hiding, kid. You will come with me or I will burn this place down and come back for your ashes.” the vicious voice said. The closer the voice became, the more familiar it sounded. “Give me the locket, Alana.” the voice said and my eyes opened wide. I recognized the voice, how could it have taken me this long? “I’m getting impatient, give me the locket or you’ll end up like your father.” he said. Everything was coming together now, my dad did not disappear, Ben got rid of him. Ben was an employee who worked in an office with my father, the full on cubicle lifestyle. He never really talked to us, but he was always watching us. My father had an account hidden away with millions of money in it, no one knew where, but the story was passed around more than a hot potato to kindergarteners. I know what Ben is looking for, but I don’t have it. I started to panic, what was Ben going to do to me when he realized that I didn’t have the chip? I don’t have the slightest idea where my last chance is, where my lifeline is. I quickly sent a text to my neighbour Dale, the local Sheriff. I don’t know why I didn’t think of it sooner, but I’m just glad I did. His footsteps got louder and I realized that he had entered my room. As if it wasn’t already hard enough for me, the severe asthmatic, to keep my breathing quiet, I was terrified. Not to mention it was only like 50 degrees in my room and without my comforter or robe to keep me warm, I was shivering. “It wasn’t very smart to hide under the bed.” he said as he reached the bed and grabbed a wad of my hair and pulled me from under the bed. I screamed in pain as I jabbed the letter opener into his forearm and ran like a track star. “That wasn't very nice, Alana.” I heard him call, but I continued running until I got to the door. I was regretting not paying attention to mom when she was telling me about the keypad. Without the password, I wouldn't even make it out a window, let alone a door. I ran into a kitchen and grabbed a bar stool and jammed it as hard as I could into the back door. I let out a sigh of relief as the glass shattered. “Where do you think you’re going?” Ben asked as he put on of his hand around my neck and used the other to throw my phone to the floor. “This would've been a lot easier, if you would have cooperated. Maybe I would have considered letting you live.” Ben said lying through his teeth. He wouldn't let me live if I delivered all the money to him in the trunk of a classic Bentley. “You don’t have to do this.” I said taking a breath between every word. His grip on my neck was getting stronger as the seconds went on. “Now that I have your locket, there really isn't any reason to keep you alive. I kind of feel bad for your moms, she’s going to have nothing left when I’m done here.” I was so relieved that Ben didn't bother to check the locket, the more time the better. I looked up and saw Dale quietly walking behind Ben, I looked away to keep Ben from finding out, but he turned around anyway. “Let her go.” Dale said as he took out his gun. “Two can play at that game.” he said taking out his gun, but not before throwing me onto the broken glass from the window. I screamed as I piece of glass pierced my arm and actually got stuck. I was losing blood quickly and it was scary to watch. A few seconds later I heard 2 gunshots. Ben fell to the floor motionless, while Dale ran over to me. “Are you okay?” he said checking my left arm, which was still bleeding with a massive piece of glass stuck in it. He grabbed his radio and called the station “I need an ambulance on 2017 Fairfield Avenue.” he said quickly. “Alana, this is going to hurt, but I have to remove the glass.” he said and I nodded as I squeezed my eyes closed.The pain from Dale removing the glass was intense, I've never screamed or cried this hard in my life. He went in the cabinet and found a towel and wrapped it around my arm. “This should hold up the bleeding, so you won’t bleed out before the medics get here.” Dale said tieing the towel tight. I winced as it touched my skin and took a deep breath. “What’s going to happen now?” I asked slowly. “Considering a guy wanted in 8 countries are after your family, we are going to have to turn this case over to the FBI. You in your mom will most likely be under witness protection for the rest of your life or at least until we find the parties responsible.” Dale said with a sad smile as he stroked my hair. Everything was about to change, but I knew one thing would never change. These criminals were not going to stop until the had my father’s money and I couldn't let that happen.

The author's comments:
I write because I love to and normally I write in the middle of the night. One day i'm going to be a film director and Jeff Davis is my inspiration.

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