The Tale of Enigmatic Eyes | Teen Ink

The Tale of Enigmatic Eyes

September 18, 2014
By JagaGonzalez BRONZE, Quezon City, Other
JagaGonzalez BRONZE, Quezon City, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

--What is happening here?-
I heard a voice… It was mystified… but I heard it… It was just one, single sentence… “Live on… Please… ” A sudden thump struck the person who was speaking… or at least I imagined it like that….
My sight is blurred and distorted, my purple eyes felt like I was trying to open them underwater. The world turns into an instant monochromatic state.
Bloodshed covered the whole sector even beyond what I can see with this hazy vision. If I imagine this place as a compass, a compass of several hundred football fields bind together.  Well then… That means I’m at the south portion of the compass. Ranging between the western side; running past the south to the eastern area, the forest where it is, is burning with dark green necrotic flames. The sky is embroidered with red lightning, aimlessly surging through anything that it can strike. As though those two things are enough to blind me, Floating rocks, pebbles and boulders creating platforms are covering and almost embodying most of the chaos that’s happening here… While millions of bats are flying around, roaming around journeying through this catastrophe.

    And despite all of that…. Silence filled the entire world... Lightning never cracked a sound. The green flames are blinding, bats scatter and disperse leaving trails of an echo swarm. Like I was inside a holographic delusion, But of course… that’s not true… This is the cruel reality, the terrifying truth.
As I wave away those thoughts, I focused at the northern section of this imagined compass… I walked discreetly pushing away all the gravity defying boulders away to get a clearer view of the scent I sniffed out …. It’s the scent of a… vulgar feathered creature or such, plus there’s something surrounding that scent…. blood mixed with iron. As I got a closer look at a safe distance, I was certain that I was in the coordinates of maybe, in the middle of the compass right now. I saw a humongous winged beast covering the whole scene, it seemed to be…. devouring something… Then I saw the horrible odor of blood I smelled… I stumbled back, for my fellow pack… Is lying dead on the ground, my…pack…My eyes widened. Grief followed with a darting emptiness… Almost several thousands of them are lying flat, Sprayed with red gore…… Tears streamed down my face…
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I heard screeching laughter unlike any other. It was coming from the noise of the winged beast. “Hello there intruder….” It stopped devouring and slowly turned towards me. The vulture spanned its wings, with one flap the air rippled and stirred, while I was shocked and frozen in place. I can’t believe this is happening. Reality struck me hard. But is this even real?
The winged beast is now hovering across the sky “It seems I missed a piece .You just woke up. It would be such a waste if I dispose of you now… I’ll play with you a little” It showed a smile of impossible length, like a psychotic serial killer. The humongous abomination screeched “I will pile you down with lightning so hard, your insides will wither and perish” Okay so I was almost precise about that.  As the vulture flew closer, the red lightning burst even louder. I can see its features more clearly. Its wings blend with the dark night sky. It flies randomly, like a wandering mosquito. It’s fast. It’s huge. In spite of all the debris that blocks its way, it still has the mobility to move and slip passed them. It is not from this world. Its eyes show the distinctive features of someone who plays with corpses…. a necromancer. A necromancer that embraces the darkness completely and showed worship to the death god, that class is troublesome to handle… He can evoke one of the four basic elements. As a bonus, necromancers harness the powers of Death himself. I noticed that his eyes are shades of gleaming gold & yellow but is empty and null. He has an insignia marked across its torso.

But I don’t care about that anymore. Because any second now, I, Xyphos Pendragon 19 years old, a wolf with purple eyes and silver fur, will get crushed by this giant demon. Am I too late for introductions? What did you expect? I stood my ground, gathered my air and released it in a single blow “What happened here? What is this life forsaken place?! Explain it NOW!!!” Tremors were created. The stones and boulders around me subsided and sprawled all over the place. The vulture was just a second away from my face, but was struck by incoming rocks. “Hehehe, you and your petty howl…” Before he can even recover, I leapt and traveled up stream, maneuvering the rocks.
I failed at that attempt, I skidded from the rocks. I was careless; the vulture appeared out of nowhere. It seized my body with its murderous claws… “Tsk tsk… how disappointing. You haven’t fully developed your potential yet… Oh, I forgot my manners how silly of me. I have no name… But, folks call me The Death Stalker.” He laughed mockingly and maniacally. He soared even higher. And as he soared, I saw the whole view of the place, and I was reminded of the… red… red sign that brought me down to tears… I can’t get loose… “Tell me what this place is! Tell me where this place is…
Tell me what your motive is in killing my clan!” the Death Stalker suddenly turned from laughing to an abrupt stare.
“You’re still in the place you once were before you woke up, as for a motive? HA! Tell me….. Why do all the animals in this plane eat?”
I replied unconsciously “To live… and survi--”
“WRONG!” The psychotic beast threw me with super-human strength, I plummeted straight through the boulders and landed with all the debris crushing my bones; “Lucky for you… If it wasn’t for those eyes, you would be dead the moment I touched you with my claws. The eyes of an emissary… But you’re much more than that. You inherited the bladed vessel”
“I DON’T CARE ABOUT ANY OF THAT!! I will END YOU if you don’t tell me what’s going on!”
He spread his wings and rose higher through the clouds. As I stood up, unfazed by his force, I bolted toward him. “We eat… for the sake of sating ourselves and devoting our appetite for a more…. Eventful prey, its sacrifice, my young little pup… The Gourmet is coming…. One day, all the living shall perish and burn” My blood boiled like crazy, this guy shall pay for what he did.
With my power, it’s my responsibility to end his monstrosity.
A black mist formed below me. I stopped in place “Is this your doing?” D.S. seemed confused as I am. “I see…. The Void Hunter came” His gleaming eyes turned even brighter and caused all the red lightning to pour down on the black mist. An explosion boomed, the mist was swallowing the lightning and mixing with it. I took the opportunity to strike the vulture. So I drew in energy and conjured daggers forming outside my spine, ankles, joints, fangs & claws. It pained me to summon them, it felt like someone was pulling my brain and pinching my arteries. But that was just a side-effect. I sprang up in the air, blowing away the boulders that surround and block my way. I veered to the left and there the vulture stood, but he was ready. He glanced at me, just like that, lightning pierced right through me. “Agh! @$%&!” He waved me away with just one flap of his wings. I tried to rip away the pressure of the gust. But I still went farther than expected.  I was heading towards the green flames from the forest. But the dark cloud I saw forming earlier headed toward me and cushioned me, making me fall. It was solid, like fur. Then I noticed it had neon green eyes. As we both landed, I saw the mist solidify and formed a cat-like posture, jet-black fur and earthly aura assembled. It was a panther. He gazed into me. His eyes were hypnotic…. I was falling to sleep. Like it was a delusion, I was falling for it like a kid. But it was inevitable. Before I could even close my eyes the panther said “Destiny. Conquer. Save. I will explain everything later” He materialized in black smoke after that.
I blacked out.

--What is happening here exactly? I woke up out of nowhere… Green flames, Red lightning… My pack died… A giant vulture… The Gourmet…. The Void Hunter… Such chaos, I need to set things straight right here… --

The Trinity Monochrome

--Here we go again…. Am I in a dream this time? This seems much more blurry than last time…
Then I remembered from a glanced thought. The vulture! I opened my eyes, sprang from where I was lying down, I saw that I was lying down on a pacific blue mattress. Surrounded with candles, ointments and black ink, “What is all this?” The room was all… Chinese-like tradition, mats covered the floor, a picture of a bear & panther were carved and drawn in the ceiling. Obviously, this is home to that panther that saved me, He has company along with him. I saw a mirror on the left just beside me. My silver fur, Purple, chaotic & hateful eyes… didn’t change. However, as I look at my body. A mark was stained on my fur. I remember the lightning that struck me. Brrr, never knew that red lightning could be cold, The pain can spread all over the body and stop any blood activity that’s happening…. I almost died. I can still feel thunderous uneasiness spiking in my spine. “Where is this? Is anybody home?” Silence filled the room. This is just like when I spoke with The Death Stalker… I will kill him for what he’s done to my pack. Tears suddenly came out of nowhere… No! I don’t want to remember all that. It was too painful for me to accept it. I’m all alone now... I pushed away the emotions. “I’m a wolf… The Bladed Vessel who every single wolf in my clan devoted upon. As I roamed around the place, I saw a Panda meditating inside the lobby. Silver metallic flames surround him. As I got nearer, I detected the magnitude that he was emitting. All the sweat and concentration he’s putting in is pretty painful to watch. I knew I should not have interrupted him but I did anyway, 
“Sir, Are you awake? I’m looking for a panther” For a split second he answered with a deep intelligent voice “He’s waiting for you outside. Later tonight we shall journey. He will alter our timeline again, to warp us straight into the table of the Gourmet. I have nothing more to say to you” I was used to that kind of talk, “What is it about the gourmet and stuff I don’t understand, by the way, what’s your name? Mine is Xyphos, I’m one of the Bladed Vessel”
“The name’s Moh… The details will come later, don’t worry. Now, leave” I left him in the room for some peace and tranquility. I went outside the cottage and saw…. The surroundings were like empty… like an outer world space. The land was a barren wasteland. Everything was dirt, soil, dead trees & leaves. Then I saw smoke trails on the trees, a black mist…. the panther. He was gracefully running and dashing, clawing the trees he was targeting. His zigzag movements were unpredictable. His power was incredible. He can tear up an oak tree with a single swipe. Then he suddenly flied… ‘fly’… I tried to approach him. I actually decided to try practice my battle with this Death Stalker and I need to know more about this Gourmet thing they’re talking about. So I again, I conjured daggers from my claws and ankles. If I were to summon more, I would create another painful headache. 20 daggers are all I can manage…. So I jolted toward an oak tree, which was out of reach to the panther running 200 miles per hour. I jumped slightly then did a horizontal spin. I accelerated more, I spread my front claws. Purple light appeared from my daggers. “Well, this is new…” Before I could even plummet through, angry neon eyes blocked my path “Back off my territory!” I actually foresaw that, I swerved to the right and dodged his claws, We were at opposite ends of the field. He created an aura of an even greater power. His shadow created greenish flames. Then I thought: The necrotic flaming trees.
“I have some questions for you, what happened after I blacked out?” The panther smirked. Then in a blink of an eye, he was standing right next to me.“I know everything that happened… even before you were aware of the presence of the Death Stalker. You want some answers? I’ll give them to you… but you have to keep up with me first.” I knew where the conversation was leading to…. I chased him with binding speed I never knew… and as I try to tag him, he tells me everything.  “The green flames were produced by the battle with me and Death Stalker-“
“Why is he called the Death Stalker?” I asked. But it seemed that he doesn’t want to be interrupted. He veered from a dead tree and went past me. For some reason I can still hear him. “That damned vulture can eat anything, he can even scavenge thirty king lions, the mightiest breed of paladins. However, that vulture can wait for a very long time until his prey is at its best. But he doesn’t necessarily eat them as in… maw them down and crush their bones and all, no. First, he weakens the enemy with necromancy. Then, he grabs your upper and lower portions of your body until you suffocate while he flies really, really high until he reaches the height of the clouds, then, releases you. But it’s not over yet. He flaps his wings and the wind pressure he emits, create another form of suffocation which I don’t understand very much… The wind pressure is to accelerate your fall, still preventing you from moving your arms and legs. His art of killing; is that when you go down fast, he comes even faster. As you fall mid-way towards the ground, He nosedives toward you with impossible speed even a time alter-humming bird can’t do in a messy situation. His beak is as sharp as an eagle… You know what happens next… He stores the animals he kills… inside his throat… and stomach. He doesn’t crush or chew, that’s his art of killing: Turbulent Pierce Rocket… It sounds corny yeah, but what are you going to do. I heard him using that as a battle cry last month though…. He’s killed a lot of animals…” He tried to jump really high and do a back flip to distract me, but I predicted it and blocked his path. I tagged his fur. I smiled “Got you now. Grrr… That was really starting to get on my nerves man, stop running away while talking… It’s annoying….” Finally, we stopped around a pile of leaves.
“How’s your wound? Do you still feel static chills?” The panther was a nice guy, I can say that…
“Yeah I’m okay… Wait. Last question… what’s the Gourmet everybody’s talking about?”
He smiled. “The Gourmet is not a what, it’s a HE.” I wasn’t that surprised, but I didn’t expect that. “He’s a giant gorilla…. bigger than the Death Stalker… Both of them do not reveal their true names, so they go by code names. Believe it or not, they are known all over the coast of Antarctica to the midst of Australia. Their motive… is not yet revealed. The Gourmet rarely shows himself to the audience… He just sits in his throne, waiting, eating and belching… I saw first-hand that Death Stalker delivers the dead animals that he stores inside his belly to the Gourmet… that obese gorilla. His size is terrifying. But to what he’s done to everyone.…they must pay…” He clenched his jaws. Before he could continue I spoke up.
“I’m sorry, what’s your name again?” I said finally. Although still saddened with the thought of having to give up my neighboring pack like that… without ever seeing them again… my fellow wolves. “Oh right, my name’s Haze… Haze Nyx”
“The name’s Xyphos Pendragon”. I can see that he had a hard past as well. Despite all that, Haze still had the heart to talk to a wolf he just made friends with. “My brother… was killed by that Death Stalker… I saw what he did…. He pierced his beak and… I don’t know anymore… I felt empty inside after that, I had nothing. I had no one else to fight for. The Void Hunter…Is what people call me… I hunted without a reason, without a purpose. It’s The Gourmet and DS’s fault! That’s why… I need to end both of them now… Moh, who I’m sure you’ve already met, had half of his clan devoured and killed by the DS and Gourmet”
I saw Moh walking out of the cottage, holding a large hammer, a war hammer as it is. His face looked gentle, well refined like a warrior. “What was Moh doing earlier when meditating on those silver flames?” Haze replied “As you can see, the hammer he’s holding resembles of a craftsmen… That hammer can turn into any weaponry he has made in years. Silver flames is his born power… just like us, like any one of us.” He glanced at my wound “Oh! That’s right I forgot… He even mended manganese and mercury to turn into a purple substance to heal your wound and enhance your calcium in your daggers.…” He then looked sad.
“You’re going away now right? We’re uhh… going for the two atrocities” Haze said in a reluctant voice. I don’t know where I was, I don’t know what’s going on… But I decided I might go with the flow and might stay. “Nah, I’m staying… plus, I can’t sit still while the two abominations are freely ravaging their way…” I said doubtful as well. But I have no place to stay… and they need back up…
There goes that feeling again… What am I doing, Yeah… I’m wandering aimlessly here.
Moh was heading towards us. “Haze! There’s not much time left… Death Stalker is heading east, where all the endangered animals are. This time with a bunch of… death goons… He practically raised the corpse animals he killed. We have to hurry. There are thousands of folks dying now” Moh looked at me “You are welcome when you want to fight. The two of us can’t handle just the two of them. You are the only Bladed Vessel around here and you are one of the rarest kind…purple eyes…  Normal high class fighters can’t end their horror. We need to take initiative and end them. You can activate your inner potential at full length now by the way. The ink I used in order to heal those wounds are binding manganese, mixed with celestial titanium… We haven’t met very long. But I know we can do this. You don’t feel awkward about any of these right Xyphos?” I stood up “Nope, Waking up in the middle of a warzone was worse than this. “Good, So… What’s your answer? Coming or not? I confirmed it in my thoughts “I’m coming with you… Please bear with me” Haze cuddled in the conversation.
“Good, now Moh, we should tell this guy Xyphos about our plan…. Now that we found a good fighter… a Bladed vessel of all people…. let’s form our Art of Killing….
There are three of us here…. Just like the Three Musketeers… the new generation.”

This was going good so far… But that’s what I thought…

The Art of Conquer: Torch of the Scorching Night Bliss

--We headed towards the east coast. The village of where all the endangered species are.
The place was shrouded with red lightning. Explosions were constantly happening. The Death Stalker was obviously up in the sky, laughing Moh was right, corpses were running around, killing other living animals. It looked like that every time a corpse bites a living animal, they become one of them… “What is this? A zombie apocalypse? A game of tag? Oh please stop… I can’t bear seeing anyone die anymore” Haze said as he hid in his black cloud inside the shadows. Moh was preparing his weapons. A few seconds later, I heard a loud clang.
Moh was carrying a golden battleaxe… My eyes widen “That’s… huge” Moh looked at me,
“What? This thing? I have bigger scraps like that in my junkyard. Anyway, in a few seconds we must initiate combat” I gazed at the sky. Despite having all this mayhem, The universe still stays at peace…. I hope someday it happens here in this world as well.
“XYPHOS!” Haze shouted, I got back to my senses, I saw red lightning burst 2 feet away from me.  Then I heard the despised laugh of DS in the sky “Greetings my fellow…leftovers. HAHAHA!
If you want a piece of me… Please come to the cave right there and-“Haze yelled in anger
“That’s  %$&#*!!!” He jolted and ran past all the goons of DS and in a split second, green flames burst in the corpse’s rotting body. “Haze, let’s pin him down!” I shouted. I summoned two katanas as my accompaniment attached to me with chains, daggers around my ankles and enclosed a long, tight titanium filleting blade across my tail, I jolted upward, I threw a katana at a farther end wall. It struck successfully, it dragged me across the sky even higher while I saw Death Stalker waiting for me patiently, under the blood red crescent moon. There was a high convex structure opening cave below him. Which I guess where The Gourmet is, I returned the katanas in midair, replacing it with daggers on my claws. I dropped myself to a townhouse. Moh was ahead of me… He has a really… really large mace in both his hands, Haze was coming from the left, followed by a cloud of necrotic animal bones. I decided to join the party, as I jumped down, we were swarmed with corpses. Haze had no problem dishing them out. However, the real problem is the boss battle… Death Stalker and The Gourmet, Moh and I looked at each other.  Haze gave us a concurring glance. In the end we all came close back to back. The three of us said in unison “Let’s do this!!!” All three of us roared and summoned our power’s limit.
--My eyes are disoriented… My purple eyes seemed too bright. Unconsciously, I summoned all kinds of swords, knives, daggers, and lances in the air, Haze conjured all the darkness that was around him and creating a barrier. Death Stalker kept on shooting red lightning but it just won’t pass through the dark barrier. My silver blades are forming into purple, green and black shades of flames. Moh summoned a golden stick… Looks just like a torch. Everything that we are creating were being vacuumed and formed into a giant thorny ball of chaos into that torch.
“NOO!!! YOU ARE RUINING EVEYTHING!!” The Death Stalker screeched in horror. Moh was heaving like crazy. “Guys, I can’t hold on to this much… energy weight you know?”
Haze prepared his position “All right, all right… I’m ready to edit our timeline…. Adjusted the view point and landing speed… After this, it’ll all be over… I took in all the surviving- not-dead- endangered animals back at the house… Xyphos, Moh, what would you like for dinner?” Haze smiled at me “I’ll think about it later. Okay, blow it all up Moh” Before the explosion, I shot out daggers at the vulture’s wings and blew hundreds of spike bombs in the cave… Too bad I won’t be seeing the face of the Gourmet....well….Moh slammed the torch to the ground. While Haze warped us away from all that, I saw the glimpse of fireworks and loud cracking, The Death Stalker’s final words while…. I I heard laughter inside the cave.


But then…. I woke up again…. My eyes felt as blurry as it was… Like I was trying to open it underwater… When I stood up and was able to open my eyes, Dark green necrotic flames burn the forest at my back…. Red lightning surges the whole scene… While platforms and boulders were floating everywhere…. I ran towards the north…. And there I found….
Moh…. And Haze…. Laughing at the dead corpses around them.

~THE. . . . . . . . . END~

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