Dreamer | Teen Ink


September 19, 2014
By Flavors BRONZE, Park City, Utah
Flavors BRONZE, Park City, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I love applesauce.

The door slowly creaked open, a black figure was standing in the doorway. The little girl, who was hanging up a white short-sleeve-shirt turned around and screamed. The black figure moved closer and closer until black.
“It’s time for you to go to bed,” whispered Harley’s stepmom as she set down the remote.
Harley jumped out of her seat “Nina, you scared me. Can’t I just watch the last part?”  Harley whined as she obediently trudged to bed.
“Goodnight,” Nina said as she kissed her on the forehead, turned off the lights and shut   the door.
Harley was shivering under her covers as she thought of the movie,
“I shouldn't have watched that,” she repeatedly told herself.

The morning came too soon. She squinted as her clock blinked 8:15. She rolled over and closed her eyes once more for only a minute or two before the doorbell rang. Harley stumbled out of bed and took the long trek from her bed to the door. She peeked through the peephole to find nothing at the door. Harley suspected it was her neighbors, Jake and Ben, who like to play tricks on her. She opened it anyway to see if the boys were hiding in their usual ding-dong-ditching spots and she tripped over a big box in the shape of a rectangle laying on the welcome rug. When she set it on the counter after locking the door, she noticed it was rather quiet.
“Mom! Dad!” No answer.
“MOM! DAD!” Harley yelled with a little more force than before. After silence for quite some time, she shrugged and grabbed the remote. Chopped, her favorite television show was on Food Network. She poured herself some cereal and sat down forgetting the absence of her parents.

Her cereal was done but the show has just come back from commercial. Still hungry, she put two Eggo waffles in the toaster and managed to never take her eyes off the screen.  Intensely watching, she ignored the thud in box behind her. When the episode was over, she heard another box and couldn't help but look back. The box was closed still, but the tape was cut open. She naturally opened the box and found nothing but crumpled tissue paper and a note that read WARNING. Harley curiously flipped the note over, nothing there. In the time it took to open the box, shuffled through the tissue paper, and read the note, her show came back on. She worriedly sat back down on the chair and fixed her eyes on the television. By the time it was commercial break again, she forgot about the whole thing until she heard footsteps coming downstairs and than another bump by the box. She looked in the now opened box and saw a pale doll with blue eyes and a white, lace dress. I probably didn’t look hard enough, Harley thought, but inside she new this doll wasn’t there before. She grabbed her phone and ran upstairs to find a suitcase by her bed. It was hers or her parents, but her mom did just go shopping. She unzipped the black suitcase and to her surprise, it wasn’t empty and it didn’t have her stuff in there either. She shuffled through the small cloths that could fit a doll and her hand hit something hard at the bottom. She rose the hard object and there in her hand was the same doll that had been in the box downstairs.
Curled up in her covers, she felt safe. Harley, praying that the footsteps that she heard where her mother’s or father’s. No such luck. Soon enough the covers were getting pulled away from Harley’s shaking body. This is my only chance, she thought. She flipped out of bed and headed downstairs for her cellphone. When she turned the corner of the hall, she saw the doll in front of her. Harley stopped in  her tracks but quickly backtracked running back to her room, but still keeping an eye on the doll. When she turned the corner, the doll was out of sight, but rapidly reappeared moving surprisingly quicker than Harley.
“Ahhh,” Harley screamed as the pale blue eyes of the doll were moving towards her. She suddenly ran out of space to run and bumped into the hard, cold wall. She fell down and closed her eyes, realizing this was it.

When she opened her eyes again, she was in Disney World.
“Where am I?” She asked a medium-sized man with his bak turned,
“Who are you?”
“Hello, I am Robin Williams, and you are going skydiving with me. Didn’t we just go   over this?”
“The Robin Williams?” She asked in awe.
“I think so,” he answered as he tightened his belt.
“One, two, three, jump!” Harley did as she was told and they jumped into a big boat in a lake close to Disneyland. When they got out of the boat, they went in a hotel room and had dinner with Harley’s parents. She was so happy to see them.
  “Hi honey, how was sky diving?” “It was great I missed you guys so much! Do you guys  know that is Robin Williams? Where were you when I was at home? Did you go home?   Did you see the doll?” Harley said out of breath.
“Slow down,” her dad said, “Robin and I are very good friends honey, I thought you   knew that. And no, we haven’t been home yet, we have been here for one week , with   you. Are you okay?”
“Ya, I’m fine, just a little confused,” She said closing her eyes.

When she opened her eyes again, she was hanging up her clothes in her closet. In her p.j.’s, she grabbed a hanger. She hung up a white short-sleeve-shirt, folded her jeans and put them away she didn’t know what she had those clothes on for school maybe, but she didn’t remember.
“This day has been weird.” she said aloud. She instantly felt someone watching her and felt the hairs on her neck stand up. Harley quickly turned around and screamed. A black shadow was standing in the doorway. The black figure was moving closer and closer until black.
“It’s time for you to wake up sleepyhead.”
Harley opened her soft green eyes expecting the black figure to be standing over her. The person was blurry but she could tell it wasn't the black figure that had been there not ten minutes ago. “C’mon Harley your going to be late!” Nina yelled impatiently.
“Late? For what?” Harley moaned wearily.
“School Harley let’s go go go!”
“School?” She suddenly popped up realizing she was in bed.
She had so many questions, she ran after Nina asking about skydiving and the black figure. She asked if her mom had ordered a doll.
“No, slow down!” Nina said grumpily, “are you okay?”
Disregarding what Nina had said she asked if Nina had gone shopping or gotten a black suitcase from somewhere. Then, Harley leaped over her messy room to where the suitcase was sitting and saw nothing but a candy wrapper.
“So you’re good right?” Nina said warming up to Harley more than before.
“Never been better.” Harley said replaying the dreams in her head. Getting dressed and brushing her teeth went faster than usual. All morning until she got to school, she talked non-stop about the realistic dream she had the night before.

The author's comments:

It's all dreams I have had.

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