The Kidnapping | Teen Ink

The Kidnapping

October 6, 2014
By Karissa Summitt BRONZE, Paragould, Arkansas
Karissa Summitt BRONZE, Paragould, Arkansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Blare Morris is from the town of Little Rock, Arkansas. Blare and her parents Susan and Robert Morris had just walked out of the movies. They all walked to their car and were on their way to Walmart, which was just across the street. They made their way across the street and through the parking lot. Robert pulled up to the front doors and handed Blare exactly $20.
“We will be right out here if you need us, be sure to let us know when you are checking out.” Said Robert.
Blare got out of the car with the money in her pocket and walked inside. She had an entire list of things her Mom needed. She decided she would start in the noodles, then go to the sauce, then form there she would go to the cheese. She had almost completed everything on her list the only thing left was the hamburger meat. She walked over to the meat section, grabbed a package of meat, and put it in her cart. When she had bent over to put the meat in her cart she noticed that there was a man watching her from a distance.
She walked over to the checkout section and turned around so see if the man that had been watching her was still there, but this time when she turned around the man she had seen was no longer watching her but was no following her. Blare was getting a weird feeling so she decided she would text her Mom and Dad and tell them what was going on and would ask them to come inside. Blare pulled her phone out of her pocket and was beginning to text her parents. Then at that moment the man grabbed her with one hand over her mouth and the other around her waist. At this moment she realized that this person was taking her who knows where and there was no way she was getting away. As she was trying to get away she notice his hands smelled of ammonia, which meant he was probably a janitor and he probably worked at Walmart.
That night her parent decided to call the police and report her missing when she didn’t come out after an hour. The police said that it was probably a kidnapping and that they would direct their call to Detective Ryan Johnson. He said he would be on the lookout for any information and notify them when they found any information on Blare.
The next morning she woke up in a room she had never seen before. She walked over to the door and tried to turn it but it was locked. What all she thought was a dream was in fact very real. She tried to remember the last thing that had happened last night, but all she could remember was waking up in a car and then falling back asleep, and she vaguely remembered that.
It has been 1week and 6 days and tomorrow will make the 2 week anniversary of Blare’s disappearance. Susan and Robert have been receiving calls from Detective Johnson almost every day telling them they are one step closer than they were yesterday.
Today marks 2 weeks and every day becomes more miserable than the last. The only thing that keeps her going is the thought of being back home with her family. Every breakfast, lunch, and dinner she has ate since she has been there has been slid under the door on a tray like a prisoner. That was the only way she knows how to describe what it feels like to be locked up in a room for 2 weeks.
2 more days past and Robert and Susan got a phone call, Susan picked up the phone and said, “Morris residence.”
It was Detective Johnson, “We have located Blare, come down to the station immediately.”
Susan ran into the living room and woke Robert that had been taking a nap on the sofa. They ran outside to the car and without any hesitation got in.
When they pulled in all the police cars were lined up ready to go. Susan and Robert got in the car with Detective Johnson and they were on their way.
They pulled into Jeff’s driveway at approximately 9 o’clock pm. Detective Johnson told Susan and Robert to stay in the car until they seen them bringing out Jeff. The officers kicked in the door of the house and there sitting on the couch they found Jeff who was asleep but was now wide awake. They hand cuffed him and escorted him outside to one of the patrol cars. In the very back room they found Blare. They walked Blare to the front door and as soon as Blare seen her parents she started running towards them. Blare had never been this happy to see her parents in her entire life.
Blare turned around to get into Detective Johnson’s car, and for the first time she saw her kidnapper. He had brown bushy beard and bushy hair that came to his jaw bone. The thing that stood out the most was his blue eyes.
“Until next time.” Jeff said from a few cars away.
Six months have gone by then one night Blare awakens to a noise. She turns on the lamp beside her bed and is frozen in shock at the face she seen.
“Hello again!”

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