The Hospital | Teen Ink

The Hospital

October 6, 2014
By Hunter West BRONZE, Paragould, Arkansas
Hunter West BRONZE, Paragould, Arkansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Several crazy things happened that week… I do not even know where to start. Well, I will just start by introducing myself. Or, who I once was anyway. Halt Reynolds M.D. only 29 years old. More specifically, a surgeon. Some say I was a prodigy. Graduated grade school at only fifteen. Took college credit classes and finished med school in about four years combined.
Now that you know a lot more about myself, onto the story about the accident. In the stormy summer of 2012, I had just gotten my job at First Baptist Hospital. It took them a while to sort through my paperwork so it was a while before I got my first patient, but when I did, I had wished I had not. “Doctor Halt! Can you handle the patient in room 114?” The Nurse had said. I was really shocked as I had not had a patient yet.
“Um … Sure! Can I have the patient documents?” I said.
“Here. As I said, room 114.” She replied.
As she walked away, I started flipping through the papers. Then the intercom interrupted “Dr. Reynolds to the board room.”
I walked to there aggressively, eager to find what awaited me. I then saw Dr. Muller, the head of operations at the conference table. “Hello? Is there a problem?” I had said.
“No just buzzed you in to remind you of the responsibilities of getting a patient.” He replied.
“No, it’s fine I remember but thanks anyway!”
“It’s no problem, just be careful…” He said. I hurried to room 114 to find a female patient laying on the bed with family surrounding her. She had pale skin and long black hair. I quickly shuffled through the files to see what surgery I was performing. It is a simple tonsil surgery.
After an hour the family had left and I had gotten started right away. The anesthesiologist pumped her with anesthesia, and I got the tools ready. She was out within ten seconds of pumping the anesthetics. I got the laser and started cutting the first one out, then the second. The surgery was over within a hour and a half.
I attempted to wake her up and said “Your good to go. Surgery is all done. She stayed still. I kept trying to wake her up unsuccessfully. I checked her pulse on the radar to see she was flat lining. The anesthetics had killed her. I knew it was not my fault but I could not help but feel responsible. The Anesthesiologist left the hospital and was later found dead with an apparent suicide.

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