I Am The One He Wants | Teen Ink

I Am The One He Wants

October 7, 2014
By Grace Bulkley BRONZE, Paragould, Arkansas
Grace Bulkley BRONZE, Paragould, Arkansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was early Saturday morning and everyone was getting ready to leave for the weekend except for me. My mom and dad were going on an overnight trip and my brother stayed with a friend to work on a class project that was due Monday.
“Susan I can’t find my blue shirt.” Dad called.
“Try looking on the second shelf to the right in your closet.” Mom replied.
While I sat in my room trying to watch television, outside my room sounded like a zoo of wild animals. My mom opened my door.
“Goodbye honey we will be home Sunday night. The refrigerator is filled with food, money is on the counter for any purposes needed, and all the doors are locked. We are taking your brother to Kevin’s house on our way to the airport. I love you and will see you soon.” She said.
“Okay see you tomorrow night, have fun and I love you too!” I replied. She gave me a hug so tight it felt like every organ in my body was smashing together.
It had been hours since they had left and darkness filled the air. When the sun goes down everything turns creepy and noises get louder in my house. I kept telling myself, “I’m safe, I’m safe.” When all of a sudden I hear what sounded like a door open and slam shut. I froze not knowing what to do.
“Hello! Who’s there?” I called. And no reply. I grabbed my phone and started dialing numbers to get ahold of my parents. “Mom, Mom” I said shacking as my breath was heavy.
“What is it? Is everything okay?” She asked.
Did you lock the garage door?” I asked.
“I don’t know honey Jason was the last one out the door. Why?” She replied to my question.
“The door just opened and slammed shut and I’m not imagining things. The noise was so loud that once I heard it I knew exactly what is was. Mom I’m scared, what do I do?” I asked.
“Baby I don’t know. We just landed and there is not another flight out till tomorrow night. Go make sure all the doors are locked and I’ll see you tomorrow. I love you!” Mom replied. The call ended and I was still shacking.
That night I was awaken at twelve o’clock to heavy breathing and footsteps. All I could do is just lay there. My body would not let me move even if I wanted to. It was finally Sunday night and my parents and brother were back home I was more than happy to see them. They asked me how everything went if anything else happened. I told them that I heard noises in the middle of the night, but I did not tell them what kind. I was afraid they would not believe me.
My mom just said “It probably was just the wind.” Later that night everything was silent, too silent. I was off and on sleeping throughout that whole night. Scared that what if it wasn’t just the wind.
I woke up to my alarm clock going off and that meant I had to get up and start getting ready for school. When I got up I looked into my bedroom mirror as I do every morning. I found a note taped to my mirror without a name saying who it was from. The note said “You are the one I want.” My heart is racing and I don’t know what to do.
Later that day at school the note fell out of my back pocket and my friend Toby walked by and picked it up. As he was reading it he looked up at me with this look of fear.
“Who gave this to you?” He asked.
“I”… Before I could finish what I was saying the bell rang to go to fourth period.
After school I went home, finished my homework, ate a snack, and waited for my parents to get home from work. My mom usually got home about 5:30pm and cooked dinner and then my dad would come home just as dinner was ready and that was usually 6:30-7:00pm. That day was different because I beat my brother home and I never did because he drove and I rode the bus and he always got home before me. It was seven o’clock and no one was home yet. I was beginning to worry. Neither of my parents would answer their phones and when I tried calling Jason, my brother, the phone went straight to voicemail. His voicemail was different. The voice I heard was deeper. All I heard was, “I’m coming.” I froze. I knew that was not my brother. I ran to my room. I shut and locked the door. When I turned around to go sit on my bed, I found my brother’s phone lying there.
It felt like I was glued to the floor. I could not move. My heart pounded so fast it felt like it was about to explode out of my chest.
I heard a noise coming from my closet, and I did not know what to do. I ran out my door and down the stairs as fast as I could but it wasn’t fast enough. Someone grabbed me and when they did my head hit the banister. I blacked out. When I woke up I found myself back in my room. Blood was gushing from my head and something tight was around my neck. My vision was blurry and I could not make out who the person was, or whether it was a women or man.
“What is going to happen to me?” I yelled! I got no answer.

My vision was clearing up when I realized it was a man about in his thirties. He had dark hair and was about five feet eleven inches tall. I could not think straight. I was losing a lot of blood and my neck hurt from the rope tied around it and my head was throbbing.
Before I took my last breaths I saw him coming toward me. He kicked what was under me away. I was left hanging there as he walked out the door.

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