The Redeemed | Teen Ink

The Redeemed

October 27, 2014
By Gretchen Weaver BRONZE, Hudson, Ohio
Gretchen Weaver BRONZE, Hudson, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Redeemed
The hour foretold of a new day beginning, but darkness still lurked among the underbrush. I stood below an evergreen generously sheltering me from the eyes within the manor. The sulky structure lay above an old plantation haunted by the past working souls; and these entities were going to greet new company shortly.
    Now, dear reader, I do not play games, I merely write and execute the ending met by nature. Certain events are not condoned by the will of the Redeemer; the divine beings condemn such abominations roaming the face of the Earth. I am the sole messenger of these desires. This is a testament to my faith. But first, you must understand the origin of such atrocities.
Our story begins in a cradle nestled in a lavish Georgia mansion. The baby resided only with the moonlight and a figure outside the window on his first night in the house. “Someday you will know the truth,” she whispered and disappeared back into the night. This child grew tall and wide-eyed, the amber eyes burst against his alabaster skin. Rosy cheeks were meant with a wide-toothed grin every time an admiring girl confessed their affections (this happened quite frequently). The heartbreaker sashayed through school and college much in debt to his father’s pocket. Upon graduation at the regarded Harvard Law School, the cap proudly sat atop his Magna Cum Laude head. With hopes of now becoming a Congressman, he found inspiration in a former Miss Arizona. The couple planned to seal their “love” in an exquisite October ceremony at the groom’s childhood home.
You may wonder why I possess such an extensive knowledge on this specific individual, but it is only what I have observed since my infancy. We attended school together--played together--by golly even fought together! We share the most sacred bond--blood. Our poor, pathetic birth mother could not afford us--adoption was the only answer. Taken in by different households, our connection was left unknown to all except my honorable mother. She showered me with the understanding my brother had suffered immensely among the rich and had documented his every move since the eve of his adoption. Her dying wish was to someday reunite us under the watch of the Sacred One. Today is that day.
Now with that all cleared, I will tell you the course of events tonight. Hours ago a wedding took place--my twin’s in particular. Little do the rather boisterous guests know carbon monoxide gas canisters are scattered throughout the house. I smoothly installed the “fog machines” as a part of my wedding gift to the groom. The rest of the present lies in what is else going to happen…
“Hey Devin! Over here!” shouted from the distance. My concentration now muddled by the booming voice, I looked up from my writing and observed an individual walking toward me. The groom, Steve, stopped before me. “Why are you out here? The party is so dull without you!” he commented. I force a smile and replied, “I needed a breath of fresh air that’s all.” “Whatcha writing? Another sappy love note to old Darla? Man those were the days!” I tuck the note beneath my elbow and just kept grinning. Steve continued, “Thanks for putting in the fog machines again. Rosy thinks its going to be a great touch to our ‘spooky’ first dance!” “It was my pleasure, really. The least I can do for my pal,” I say. “Well I’m going to head back in if you need me. Whatever your writing seems pretty intense. ” As he turned to walk away, I sprung up and whisked him around. “Wait!--I have to tell you something!--I just don’t know how.” Steve took a step closer to me and laid a large hand on my shoulder. “Just tell me, there is nothing that can you can’t tell me.” Just as I began to speak of our secret relations, a door slamming shut induced Steve’s attention.
Twenty-eight long, grueling years I had waited for that moment, and now was shattered by a conflicting interest. I couldn’t wait any longer. My actions next happened so quickly I barely recall the exact order. Steve crumpled to the ground after I punched him in the stomach hard. Rosy gazed in horror and began to run back inside, tripping over her long train (guess she never learned from all those pageants how to rush in a dress). “Good, that just made things easier,” I thought. Steve began to stand up--but thanks to a quick blow to the temples, he quieted down again.
The master switch to the fog machines lay tucked in my jacket and I hastily pulled it out. I should have thanked Rosy for locking all the doors since I no longer needed to. I hoped she receives an excellent tombstone. Just with the push of a button, gas began to flood the mansion. If I remember correctly, shrieks and pounding on glass were frequent. However, I do not bask in the glory of my accomplishments and often direct my attention to a more pressing matter--my beloved twin.
Steve, though unconscious, looked peaceful buried beneath a blanket of iridescent leaves. I carefully hoisted him up and proceeded toward my Cherokee. I sped like a roadrunner in a race to the worship ground. Now arriving, I turned off the ignition and turned toward Steve. The tranquil expression still across his face, I took this as a signal of his approval of the venue tonight. “When your brother is brought into the house of worship, his face will glow with understanding,” I recall my mother saying to me. 
Inside I fixed Steve in the middle of the worship circle; the Redeemer first needed to be introduced to him to begin the process of our bonding. All of a sudden, a jolt erupted in Steve and he awoke. “Whoa!” looking around, he noticed my figure. “Devin what is going on? Did you smack me in the head?” “Thank goodness you're alright!” I squealed in delight, “I thought maybe you wouldn’t have any recollection.” “Why am I tied up and why are we in the old barn by Mrs. Kettle’s house?” Growing slightly agitated by his constant questioning, I tried to sooth him, “Don’t worry, once we are done with the bonding you can be untied and join me.” “What the hell? Did you have too many shots? Where is Rosy and everyone?” Steve pressed on. My patience could only stretch so far. “They unfortunately couldn’t join us tonight. This event is only for you and me,” I replied, “I can finally tell you what I was intending on earlier...We’re brothers!” Steve let out a chuckle, “I guess you did have too many shots.” I do not stand to be laughed at--however, my love for him overshadowed my anguish.   
I approached Steve closer and said, “This is not joke. You are my brother. Look at the adoption papers.” His attention shifted to the documents in my grasp. Examining each one carefully, his eyes widened at the sight. “How can this be?” he sighed, “You never told me you were adopted.” My heart skipped a beat after knowing I had earned his faith. “My mother deemed it necessary in order to not damage your introduction to the Redeemer,” I answered. “I already know Jesus very well, but we can go through this again I guess.” “How naive of him,” I thought, “He should know better!”
“You are mistaken my brother, that house is but a figment of man’s imagination, tonight we are in the true circle of the Sacred One.” Transfixed, Steve peered at his surrounding far and wide. A look of astonishment swept across his face. “You mean to tell me you worship the devil?” he harshly remarked. “If you must use the unconventional term, then yes.” He began to thrash violently in his bounds, “Get me out of here! Stop the prank! You are not a satanic worshipper!” My mother’s words were not as accurate as I had hoped for.
To end the childish tantrum I tipped him over in the chair and he fell with a thud to the floor. “Silence dear brother, we must hurry so you do not anger him any longer.” I began to chant and draw the circle of bonding around Steve. I wove threw the patterns mother demonstrated to me for this exact moment. “Now Redeemer, please recognize your new subject in front of you tonight,” I said aloud. I was rudely interrupted by Steve murmuring, “Why are you doing this?” “How silly of me!” I exclaimed and proceeded to sit next to him, “My apologies for no explanation beforehand.” I continued, “I prevented you from going through with the worst mistake of your life—marriage. That is a practice frowned upon by the Redeemer; an invention of man’s false hope. Procreation is meant to have no bonds, just how we were conceived in this world.”
Steve blankly stared at me and uttered, “You are so far off the deep end I can’t even try to bring you back.” My fury could no longer be contained from his constant criticism. A cracking sound hissed in response to my fist hitting Steve’s face. “Careful, stay quiet and you will soon understand the power of the Redeemer.” Just as I turned to finish the circle, approaching lights illuminated holes in the rotting wall. My adrenaline pulsed at the sight. Knowing now my time was limited, the chant rushed from my lips like a waterfall.
“Freeze! Put your hands in the air!” a voice called out, “We have you surrounded! Exit the premise now!”
I dragged Steve back to an upright position and instructed, “Just listen and you will be redeemed.” “From the depths of the Earth I call upon the Redeemer to bring my brother back to his true origin!” Energy radiated through my body and transferred to Steve’s. The ritual worked! I turned to Steve and shouted “You have been redeemed!” Before I could meet his gaze, bullets met my back. I fell to the floor looking upon my beloved twin. In that instant I felt perfect joy, and was greeted by the Redeemer at last.

Steve's eyes fluttered awake....

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