The mistake | Teen Ink

The mistake

October 27, 2014
By jason marmash BRONZE, Stow, Ohio
jason marmash BRONZE, Stow, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Mistake
It is a gloomy looking day; the weather is dark and rainy. This is the day the most extraordinary girl walked away from me. This day is the day that my life would change forever.  Her name was Ruby, she has jet black hair with eyes as blue as the sky. When I was with her I was the most joyful man alive. However she left. Walked away without ever say why. She just left. I am a wreck, I cant get out of bed, and dont want to do anything but lay here. However I noticed something, I will punish every girl that reminds me of Ruby. If I cannot be happy, then nobody can!
I got of my bed and went over to my desk. I had to plan my attacks. I want to kill. Of course she has to bring back the memories of my Ruby.  All I am doing for the first week is looking around the small town of Casper for my first victim. Then I see the perfect one, her name is Maggie Austin. She is the perfect first victim. She is pretty and shy and always walks home late from the library. I watch her as she takes the same dim lit path home every day.
It is a foggy Monday night in October of 2002. Im standing in the shadows and watching her as she walks down the dim lit path. She walks past me, not seeing me and that’s when I grabbed her. I wack her in the back of the head with a bat. She stopped struggling but I knew she is not dead. I carry her all the way back to my house through the shadows so I am not be seen. She is still unconscious when I got home. I take her to the basement and tie her up to a chair. I prepared myself for what I am about to do when she wakes up.
She wakes up dazed and confused. The basement is lit only with candles and smelled musty. I walk in and she says in a nervous voice
“Why am I here?”
I Chuckle and said
“You are here for somebody else’s mistake.”
She starts to cry and I just laugh at her. I look down at the knife I had brought down and pick it up. It is a five inch knife with a serrated blade. She continues to cry as I sharpen the blade. All she is doing was yelling for her life but nobody can her. I ask her
“Do you have any last words before I slit your throat?”
Everything she is saying is in a mumbled voice, which I can barely understand. She is just repeating
“Why, why would you do this?”
I told her with anger in my voice
“Because you remind me of the girl who made me happy and she left me. So I if can’t be happy then nobody can!”
I put the knife up to her throat and with one quick swing of my arm it was over. The rush I got from killing her was extraordinary. I pick up her limp body and throw it over my shoulder to take her outside to bury her. I made sure I was alone and start digging and then went to bed.
I awoke to a loud banging on my door. The person knocking said
“This is the police. We need to ask you some questions.”
I got up and went to the door knowing that there was no way they knew what I did. I Open the door with a smile on my face and said
“Yes officer, how can I help you today?”
He answered my in a grim voice
“You are under arrest for the murder of Maggie Austin”
I was confused, how did they find out I did it? I made sure nobody was around to see me.
They took me to the county jail where they asked me a number of questions. I answered them truthfully for they already knew what I did. I was sitting in the jail cell when an officer called my name and said
“You have someone who wants to see you.” 
He takes me to a room where I am hand cuffed to the table. When no other then my true lover walks through the door. She sat down and said
“I came over last night to see you and tell you why I left. I came over to try to get you back. However why I walked you to the door I heard noises from the backyard so I went back to check it out. That’s when I saw what you were doing and I knew I had to contact the police.”
I am speechless right now but was able to squeak the words
“I killed her because you left me devastated, and I couldn’t let anyone be happy if I couldn’t be.”
She walked out of the room crying.
The officer walked me out and to my jail cell. I sat in my cell a thought about life and decided there is nothing to live for. I ripped my sheets up and tie a noose. Tonight is the night I hanged myself. I have no more to live for. I made a mistake. 

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