The One Man | Teen Ink

The One Man

October 27, 2014
By JovanStankovic BRONZE, Tallamdge, Ohio
JovanStankovic BRONZE, Tallamdge, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:

                                The One Man
Yes! – Sunny – Very, very sunny. It has been sunny these past few days and I love it. There is an excessive amount of people outside on this fine day; swimming, running, jumping, playing. But there is one man- this one man – he is just sitting outside on his patio alone, not talking to anyone just sitting there staring at everybody else; with the weirdest look on his face, and it seems like he is mumbling something to himself.
  As the days pass, I notice that he does the same thing every day; he sits on his patio and just stares at people. One day – weird – something weird had happened; he started to write something down on a piece of paper, as he looked at people. When he went back inside – the paper was left outside – I went over to see what he was writing down; he was writing down people’s names and I saw my name, in plain sight, at the bottom of the paper. I heard thumping towards the patio door, and I bolted out of there.
  The weirdest thing about this list is that Halloween is right around the corner; this man probably was planning to do something on Halloween. It was late at night – October 30th – I was in my bed, and I couldn’t fall asleep. I was twisting and turning, and hoping that nothing would happen to me tomorrow. I heard a loud noise outside of my house; it was a loud boom, like someone just got shot. Someone yelled,
“Help Me!” I ran downstairs, put on my slippers, and ran outside to where I thought I heard the scream for help. I heard the yell again, and I started to run towards it. The yell was so distinct, I have heard this voice before; it was my sister. I started to yell her name,
“Suzie! Suzie!” I didn’t hear the yells anymore, all I heard was crying. The crying came from inside this creepy, halfway torn down mansion. I started to walk towards the house and the crying kept getting louder and louder.
  I started to yell her name again, and the crying stopped. The crying turned into,
“Stop! Stop! Stop!” I opened the door and the door flew off its hinges; all I saw laying there was my sister covered in blood. I asked her what had happened to her and she responded with, “He’s coming for you, get out of here.” As soon as I heard her say, he’s coming for me; I knew exactly who she was talking about.
  I ran back to where I saw that creepy man on his patio; he was sitting there on his patio, and he said
“I was expecting you.” I just looked at him and asked, “Why?” He did not say a word to me. He walked back into his house and he shut the door behind him. I went back to my house and tried to fall asleep. But I could not fall back asleep, all I could think of was that man; and we he had done to my sister.
I heard a loud bang on my door; I ran down stairs and I saw that there were 2 officers at my doorstep; one of the officers tells me that i am being arrested for murder. They start to put handcuffs on me and they take me to their police car. I am so confused at this point and they never asked me any questions, they just showed up to my door and arrested me. I asked to see a warrant for arrest, and they said that they didn't have one; i started to explain to them how they aren't allowed to arrest someone without a warrant, but they would not listen to me. They pulled out of my driveway and headed to the police station. The officers were in such a hurry that they ran a stop sign, and a few seconds after they ran the stop sign a truck hit the car. I black out; at least I thought that i had blacked out. I awoke in my bed, to my alarm going off.

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