Don't Speak | Teen Ink

Don't Speak

October 27, 2014
By bhamrick BRONZE, Tallmadge, Ohio
bhamrick BRONZE, Tallmadge, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“It’s okay to smile, it’s over now.” She whispered, barely audible. Other than that, I heard nothing. The world was darkened to my senses as I slowly attempted to breath. Although difficult, after a few seconds, my lungs failed to fill anymore.
She’s always been there for me, leering in the distance, never making a sound. She never showed her face before it happened. I didn’t see it coming, she, however, obviously knew.
Three days before, just as the moon barely reached the sky, an orange glow illuminated from the corner of the room. A short breeze blew across me, sending shivers down my spine. I blinked once and everything was gone. I blinked again, still nothing. Now in my darkened state of mind, I attempted to use my other senses to “see” what was going on around me. My touch was useless, the piercing cold air that the short breeze made, made it impossible to feel anything. My ears, however, caught the faint squeaking of a doorframe. My heart quickened, the door swinging shut with a quick bang, the wind brought the door back and forth in the frame. Footsteps made their way across the room to me. With each step, the air chilled 10 degrees. With the thing now inches from my bed, I could feel a pair of lips reach my ears.
“Don’t look.” She uttered.
I tried to answer back, quietly I spoke, “W-what?” Then, almost at the speed of light, everything was gone. The chilled breeze, and the squeak of the door, vanished. She left me lying there in total blindness, wondering what was to come.
Two days before, just as the wolves began to howl, the cold breeze returned. I listened closely for the creaking and squeaking of the door, but it never came. Although, the breeze got colder as it had done the night before. Soon enough, I could feel the presence of another. A hand, colder than the air around, caressed my face. A pair of cold lips rested against mine. They mouthed, “Don’t listen.”
The warmth returned almost immediately after the lips left mine. My heartbeat, once again, went back to normal.
One day before, it got freezing, as it had done the past two days. I waited for something to happen as my breathing and heartbeat quickened once more. The piercing cold had gotten too much to handle, I shuffled around my room for a blanket. I curled up and waited for it to happen, while doing so, I fell fast asleep.
The morning of, nothing was different. My eyesight and hearing were gone, but that was it. The silhouette in my bedroom apparently had not visited me the night before.
I went through my day as I had been for the longest time. As the day went on, I slowly began to hear the sweet songs of the birds and I later than that I saw the lights and colors appear to me.
I enjoyed what seemed to be a miracle. The cool autumn breeze blowing sweet crunchy leaves around in circles, the smell of fresh cider being served off in the distance, it all seemed unreal.
That night, I wasn’t worried.
As I lay down in bed, however, the orange glow appeared once again, the air chilled off, and the door started to open. My heart raced a mile a minute. I felt as if I were going to throw up. Every hair on my body stood up straight.
This time, I knew to not close my eyes. I watched as the orange glow came closer and closer to my face. Soon enough, it was close enough to where I felt as if I could its warm breath, however, there was none.
Slowly the glow transformed into the figure of a woman. Pale blonde hair, tiny arms and legs, relatively short in stature, to top it all off, her faded blue eyes. I was mesmerized.
She reached out for me, caressed my face. Her hands moved down to my neck. Slowly she started to grip tighter. I lost the ability to breath, and my lifeless body collapsed to the floor.
Standing next to my casket with her, not able to see and barely able to hear, she laid me down and whispered, “It’s okay to smile, it’s over now.” Other than that, I heard nothing. The world was darkened to my senses as I slowly attempted to breath. Although difficult, after a few seconds, my lungs failed to fill anymore.

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