Stormy Day | Teen Ink

Stormy Day

November 1, 2014
By Anonymous

The storm starts in the dark night of Queens street,which was a popular road of New York, as the man in the hoodie walks slowly with both hands in his pockets.  He slowly approached the cafe and asks for a cup of coffee. After paying the bill, he left with hands still in his pockets. The storm rumbled, began to crackle, and  it rained. A scurrying businessman approached the cafe. The alley was silent the entire night… until the gunshot.

     The next morning, a group of police swiftly put up the police tape and let the CSU which stood for: Crime Scene Unit  and forensics examine the body. The body was near a trash can and next to the apartment made of bricks. They checked his pockets and found no ID and no wallet or money on the body and believed that it was a robbery gone wrong.The victim was a white male with dark hair and had a tie and a suit. Detective Storm and Detective Jace, the lead homicide detectives, came and saw the body. Storm said, ”Wonder why a businessman was down here where there is no nearby business and have a record for drug dealing and violence.”
     Jace chuckled ”Hey, thats our job isn’t it?”
     Steve, the forensics doctor said, ”This man, nameless, was killed by a 0.38 caliber gun, instantly killed with minimal blood loss…”

     Jace was a white male in his mid-thirties. Storm, a white male in his late twenties, was a detective who worked alongside Jace. Jace and Storm headed back to the 18th precinct police station and posted pictures of the dead man on the whiteboard for investigating. Jace and Storm went to the morgue and asked Steve when the time of death was. Steve said, ”It’s about 1:00 pm, and I also found a  name for the murder victim, Darren Feng, works at a cell phone company.I found his name by looking at his Facial recognition off our database ”
     Jace and Storm went to the company and asked their CEO, James Jameson, a few questions. ”How did he seem lately?” asked Storm.
     James replied, ”I don’t know, but you should ask his partner about it. “
     His partner, Frank Newington said, ”He seemed paranoid lately and left early, which never happens, and he also arrived after me, which is rare because he usually arrives before James.”
     Storm and Jace asked James for his address. They drove there and found the door open. Jace clicked the gun action and said, ”Hands up, this is NYPD, show yourself!!”

     Jace yelled”Show yourself!”
     They walked into the living room to find a man in a black suit on a laptop.The man, staring at his screen, exclaimed”Hello my friends, Jace and Storm,I've been expecting your presence.”
      Jace and Storm looked puzzled and questioned”Who are you?”
      The man said “I’m Mike, from the CIA.”
      Storm said”How did you get in here?”
      Mike chuckled”I'm CIA.I can do anything.We have a few things to discuss about your current victim”
     ”Who allowed you to do this?”questioned Jace.
     Mike replied”I think your chief will approve of this”
      ”Oh…”exclaimed Storm.
     They drove to a crusty and old building made of  cement and then he handed them ski masks and said”Put these on”
     ”It’s a protected facility.We can't trust that you won't tell anyone where it is.”
      ”Fine. ”
      They rode down an elevator and entered to lobby of the CIA underground base.

      The base was full of people in suits.There were a few TV’s and lots of computers.A person walked up to the CIA agent and whispered something.”Hi,Im the director of CIA, nice to meet you.”said the woman.
     ”And your name is?”asked Jace.
     ”Oh,yes.I’m Candice Park.”
     They followed Candice into a room with automatic doors and then sat at a table.She turned the Computer on and plugged it into the projector.A ID like card showed up.”Your suspect is one of our agents.His name is not Darren Feng.His name is Marcus Travis,one of our best.He was sent to the alleyway to act undercover for a easy way to eavesdrop on the terrorist group around the alleyway.The terrorist group goes by the name of ADG.They have committed many crimes and have never been caught.A citizen of the apartment nearby reported suspicious people and we asked her to send a picture of the suspicious people.”

     Jace and Storm looked puzzled.”How did a terrorist group end up starting in New York?”
     Candice shrugged”I don’t know,but Terrorist groups can start anywhere.”
     Candice asked”What do you know about how our victim was killed?”
     ”A 0.38 bullet to his forehead.We found him next to an alleyway.”
     Candice questioned”anything else?”
     ”No, the case started yesterday.”
     Candice sighed.”Well, we got some investigating to do huh?”
      ”Yea”said Storm.
      Storm and Jace explored the rest of the facility.Everything was monitored and everything was secured by hand prints.Everyone was on a computer and typing at lightning speed.Candice asked”So, who is the prime suspect?”
     Jace replied”Well the coffee shop next to the murder scene said he left at 12:30 and was killed at 1:00 so he was around the coffee shop for 30 minutes doing something.Maybe it was your technology.We found this metal strand with a bulb on top, we had no idea what it was so we just put it in an evidence bag.”
     Candice cut him off”Wait, a metal strand with a bulb on top?Thats the device that we gave him.To call for backup once he spotted them.It should have contacted us immedialty.The only way that it wouldn’t have is if...if….”
     ”What?”Exclaimed Jace.

    Candice yelled ”Stop everyone.”
    Everyone turned towards her.”Someone here 2 nights ago  deactivated Marcus’s backup caller.”
    She turned towards one of the people facing a computer and said”Nita,tell me who was here 2 nights ago and who accessed the contact control”Nita typed quickly into the computer which was linked to a TV.ID-like cards lined up to show the attendance of the agents.
     ”34 people were here 2 nights ago.I’m checking the contact control database”The keyboard’s buttons clicked quickly and then she came to a stop.
     ”What is it Nita?”
     ”The IP address is spoofed and the database has been deleted!!There’s only one way to find out.To check each and everyone’s history and see who has last visited the database, but  that might take a  while.”
      ”Just do it!!”The computer screen was scrambled with rows of hexadecimal code and then it stopped.
      ”The last person who accessed the database was...Nicholas Lang.”
     Candice glanced at him.He exclaimed”What? but...”
     ”Nevermind, someone was using his computer, I can tell because the login swipe card wasn’t his the ID of the swiped card was uh… Thomas Nixon.”
     Thomas screeched”What!!”
     Candice pulled up her gun and Thomas began to run.She emptied her clip while firing but moved around and hid under computers.He opened the elevator and went to the top.Candice demanded”Stop him from getting to the top!!”
     ”On it”The elevator returned back with no one in it.
     ”Well, he’s out there now…”sighed Candice.

     Candice put out an APB for him and then sat at her seat.”Lets visit the crime scene”she said.
     She brought her crew and started to set up fancy equipment.They scanned through and then Jace and Storm arrived.”Whats going on?””We are trying to see what the murder left as he came to point blank him.Marcus was clearly hearing them and they found out and must have left in a hurry.Nothing much so... oh my”
     ”What?”Asked Jace.
     ”They have a radioactive weapon on them with high samples of cobalt 60.We have to notify bomb and weapon trafficking.”
     She called someone and asked them to locate the bomb.She closed her phone in a hurry and took said”You guys,we got the bomb’s location.We gotta hurry.You guys counter incoming terrorists.Jace and Storm, follow me so we can take out the terrorists.”

     She drove at amazing speeds and had an agent follow her.They got into the warehouse to find a white van and a few people.Suddenly, she said”??? ??????????? ??? ????????”
     She turned around and had her gun pulled out and chuckled”Well, guess you guys are in the wrong place at the wrong time eh?”
     ”What’s going on?”
     ”Get on the floor!!”Yelled Candice.
     Jace and Storm lowered themselves and then She laughed”Guess today is the day that we explain what a traitor is”
     She told the terrorists to take the plane and that she and the other agent would take care of the prisoners.She raised her gun but before she could fire, Thomas Nixon did.

     Thomas Nixon had no regret in shooting both traitors and told them to take the guns in his car and that he would disarm the bomb. They rushed quickly and grabbed the assault rifles got into a car with the other agents and began the chase. A few of the terrorists had fled from plane and others car.Jace and Storm began firing at the terrorist by car while the CIA had deployed 10 helicopters to deal with the air troops.

     Thomas and his crew drove the armored car and had Jace and Storm fire out of the windows and had an agent fire a machine gun equipped the car a wasted away. They shot the cars that were running away and the heli’s fired at the the escape planes. Suddenly, the escaping heli’s turned around and stopped. The cars did the same and then fired. 10 heli’s fought back and the armored cars avoided contact. They charged in and held their fire. BOOM!!The heli’s fired a set of missiles. The missiles hit and exploded the 10 CIA heli’s.The airplanes got away. The runaway trucks zoomed ahead. The armored car couldn’t catch up as they were staring with disbelief at the debris of the helicopters.“
     Wow. I didn’t expect that…”said Storm in dismay.

     They rushed up to Washington DC and informed the president, Timothy Horken. Timothy responded by sending a few Air Forces at them but there was one problem. Where were they and where would they strike next?

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