How it all started | Teen Ink

How it all started

November 13, 2014
By Gaby0319 BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
Gaby0319 BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

       “Watch out there’s one behind you!” I remember yelling to my younger brother, and then I suddenly chopped off the zombies bloody, nasty head off before it had a chance to bite my young innocent brother. Its crazy how I was just at school two days ago and then today I’m here trying to save my life killing zombies, trying to stay alive and find shelter and food.             It’s all very confusing, and it all happened so fast but I’ll try my best to explain. It was the year 2013 a really bad disease broke out the people call it “Alobe”. It basically started in Texas, then as fast as the speed of light it contaminated the whole world. You might be wondering, how did the disease start? Well this is how it started.    The people were trying to cure cancer and other dieses there are; they have been for as long as I can remember. They were testing their experiments on animals, all kind which I found kind of weird and shady. Well those experiments were wrong the animals died, they had a special room full of dead animal trash bags and a special guy to take the bags and throw them away where no one could get harmed by the chemicals inside the animals. Just one touch, smell, or taste of those chemicals and you could die.  Johnny the guy who takes out the trash bags had an accident, how do I know this? Well my dad Dylan was his best friend. One normal afternoon Johnny was doing his job as usual. He was driving over a very known lake, from a distance he saw a car going faster than the speed limit, on the car of course there was at least 5 drunk teenagers the ones that don’t know what to do in life so they just go around doing bad stuff. The driver crashed into Johnny’s truck making it flip around until the door full of bags inside flip open making the bags and the truck flip open into the lake.   They didn’t know what to do which was expected of them. They stood there in silence staring at the ripped trash bag now empty; all the animals were lying in the middle of the road half cut opened making it stink really badly. They were scared and confused they didn’t know what to do one of the boys said “let’s hide everything and leave before anyone sees us”. So they picked up the dead animals and threw them into the lake not knowing they were infected and very dangerous.      I don’t know what happened next but one thing led to another and the 5 teenagers that had touched the animals were now infected and spreading “Alobe” everywhere.              Since no one had seen the incident no one knew how it started to spread, and no one knew the lake was infected too. People had been swimming and fishing there. That just made the virus spread even faster.         Back then I was killing zombies trying to stay alive hoping there’s someone out there trying to find a cure for this war that has begun. Now two years later, I’m safe and there’s nothing to be afraid of. My family and I made it out alive. Some weird dude that was really good at hiding from zombies created a cure, now there are no more zombies; we have gone back to the beginning and made a new life.            

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