The Manifestation | Teen Ink

The Manifestation

December 4, 2014
By Anonymous

The Manifestation

“Are we there yet?” Exclaimed Jack.
“We’ll get there when we get there!” Violet said exasperatedly, for this is the 7th time he asked.
“Violet, when you said ‘Let’s go on a camping trip,’ I thought it was a great idea!” Said Cameron, “But you regretted to inform us about the four hours of hiking with 40 pound backpacks and the sketchy landscape we’d have to endure.”
“Yeah, Violet, what the heck.  My back is going to break and we’re all going to die!” Exclaimed Maggie.
“We are almost there.  And, trust me, the view is so worth it.”
And she was right.  When they arrived they were rendered speechless.  They quickly forgot about their fears when they saw the view ahead.  In front and behind them lay two crystal blue lakes surrounded by green grass and patches of moss.  There were colorful rocks that were placed in precarious places.  Surrounding the top lake was a looming rock face that almost touched the sky.  
The four friends set their stuff down and started to unpack.  Once the tent and everything else was set up, they started to explore.  There was much to see in this campsite.  The forest was bursting with wildlife that ranged from hawks to elk.  At the edge of the campsite, there was a cliff that led down to the bottom lake.  Everything was so green and luscious because it had just rained the night before.  Once the sun started to set, the friends began preparing dinner.  The woods around them looked dark and ominous but the friends didn’t seem to notice.
“Let’s tell ghost stories!” Suggested Maggie.
“Okay I’ll go first,” said Jack. “There once was a couple…”
As the story went on, the friends became more and more frightened.  They started to become  aware of their dark surroundings and became too scared to go into the forest.  Every little sound they heard frightened the friends.
“... as he turned and closed the door, he screamed fore there was a bloody hook!” Finished Jack.
“Wow.  Well I won’t be sleeping tonight.  Can we please just go into the tent, I’m starting to become creeped out,” pleaded Maggie.
The friends were safe and sound inside the tent, but they could not shake the feeling that someone or something was watching them.  Unfortunately, they had nothing to do to keep their minds off of the fear, so the had to just sit and wait. 
Then they started to hear a sound, kind of like a gurgle of an animal.  Slowly that sound turned into more of a growl. 
“Please tell me one of you brought a knife,” exclaimed Jack.
“I’m sorry to tell you but pocket knives aren’t the most effective weapons in the world,” Violet sighed.
The tent shook as the friends shook with fear.  They could see a looming shadow outside that was approaching the tent. 
“Screw this,” said Cameron, “if we are all going to die, we might as well die fighting.”
Cameron grabbed the pocket knife and opened the tent door.  He looked around in apprehension to see what was going to be their demise.  As he turned to the left, he was greeted by the horrific sight of a chipmunk frollicking around the trees to gather nuts. 
At this time, the friends realised that the more terrified they were, the bigger the threat seemed.  Let this be a lesson for everyone who reads this story, to not blow little problems up into huge overwhelming problems, because then it will be found that these problems aren’t even that terrifying.

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