HIM!! | Teen Ink


December 5, 2014
By Lucas Autobee BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
Lucas Autobee BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

About seven years ago there was a small family that lived in a small house about a mile out of a small town. The house was a white two bedroom house with one bathroom, a kitchen connected to the dining room, a small family room with one leather couch, and a nice deck out front with a swinging chair. Outside the house was a path that lead to the town. On the lawn was a pink tricycle, a play house, and some lawn chairs. The family that occupied the house was the Hall family. Cameron Hall was the father, a tall skinny man who wears glasses and is in his mid 30’s. The wife was Lauren Hall, she was a tall woman who enjoyed life and loved her family. Last but not certainly not least we have their daughter, Niki Hall. Niki is a happy, energetic, 6 year old. She has majestic long blond hair that reached to the middle of her back, electric blue eyes that could pierce the soul of the devil with just one place, and pale white skin as soft as silk.
The family was sitting at the dinner table, Niki tried to speak but she couldn't. She turns her head to look out the window and sees fires as tall as their house. She looks back to her parents to see what to do but her parents are melting like a popsicle on a hot summer day. She panics. She tries to run to the front door but it is like she is trying to run through syrup. After what seems like forever she reaches the door. It swings open and HE Is standing there! The silhouette of… of… - Niki wakes to her mother and father next to her bad calling her name. “Niki are you alright?” her father asks in a worried tone. “We heard you screaming Honey. Did you have a nightmare?” her mother asks. “Yeah...I think… I’m okay”, Niki says out of breath. Cameron looks to Lauren. “This is the 7th time this month, maybe we should get her professional help,” “NO!” Lauren yells”Sorry I didnt mean to yell, it’s just that… well…. I think that therapists are a waste of time and money.” After a few minutes of idle chit chat after that Niki was asleep again and the parents creeped back to their room.
  Lying in bed Cameron thinks to himself “Every Time I mention getting Niki help, Lauren always snaps at me and always says no. Maybe I shou-” His thought  are interrupted by a loud noise that sounded like someone playing a power cord on a guitar coming from outside. Cameron jumps out of bed and runs to the window. His eyes take a second to adjust to the DARKNESS outside. Once they do he sees the silhouette of what appears to be a man holding… something. Cameron can't quite make out what it is. His eyes wandered to the silhouette's. What Cameron was is not what he expected. he saw flames where the strangers eyes would have been and Cameron could tell the man was looking straight into his soul. Cameron stared straight into the strangers “eyes”. the flames weren't beautiful and warming but instead had a more evil feeling to them, The longer Cameron stared the more images he saw. He saw blood and dead carcuses and large crowds of people cheering and bright lights. Then all of the sudden the stranger disappeared. Cameron looks around, then all of the sudden the strangers face is right on the other side of the window right in front of Camerons. “AH!” Cameron screams and falls backwards landing on his back and hitting his head on the floor. He slips into unconsciousness. He awakens in the same spot on the floor. Bright light pierces the room. He glances over to the digital clock on his nightstand. the clock reads 6:45 Am. “Ugh did I have a nightmare?” Cameron asks himself “Its too early to deal with this.” He gets up, closes the blinds, and crawls back into bed next to Lauren. he drifts off to sleep. Lauren wakes to the sound of a scream. She gets out of bed and sees Cameron laying on the ground. She looks out the window and sees HIM standing in front of the window smiling. She opens the window. “She is not ready yet.” Lauren tells the stranger. “WE HAD A DEAL!” the stranger says in a raspy angry tone, “I know” Lauren says “Its just that I have come to lov-” “HAHAHAHA, YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENS IF YOU BACK OUT NOW RIGHT?” “Yes I know...okay please just don't hurt me.” Lauren plees “Tonight...Tonight,” Lauren looks up and the stranger is gone.
Niki wakes to the smell of bacon. She glances at her clock. It’s 8:30 AM. She gets out of bed still wearing her pajamas. She walks down the long hallway to the stairs. The walls are littered with family photos. Niki stops at a family photo of her and her parents on her sixth birthday. She examines the picture more than usual and notices something she hadn't seen before. Her Father and her are smiling and huging eachother and her mother is standing to the left of the smiling...kinda nervously. Thats when she sees it. In the background standing just so less than half his body visible is HIM from her previous nightmares. It’s hard to make out his face because of the shadows but she sees his fiery red eyes. Then all of the sudden he smiles with shiny white teeth and Niki gasps and falls back. “Niki, time for breakfast”, Lauren yells from down stairs. “C-Coming.” She replys nervously. She looks back at the picture and the man is gone.”Must have been my imagination,” Niki thinks to herself. She runs downstairs.
Niki joins her family at the table. Crispy golden brown bacon, bright yellow eggs and… black as night toast. “Moooooooom!” Niki exclaims “Sorry honey I put the toast in and completely forgot until I smelt the burning.” Lauren says sounding sad “It's okay honey, everything else looks good.” Camron says winking at Niki “Hehehe” Niki giggles.
  Lauren clears their plates “I couldn't eat another bite.” Cameron says slumping in his chair. “I’m gonna go get dressed!” Niki says happily. She pushed her chair away from the table and runs around the corner and climbs the stairs. “Now.” Cameron says “Tell me everything…” Lauren sits down “Six years ago when you were out and I was still pregnant with Niki. I fell down the stairs. I was broken and in so much pain and Niki would have died if HE wouldn't have shown up, I made a deal with him, he would restore us to the way we were, If in six years time he would come back and take Niki away and we would own my soul even tho its worth nothing to him. Being in a broken state of course I said yes. then he vanished….. Until last night and according to Niki he has appeared in her dreams recently.” :How could you sell our daughter like that?!” Cameron asks with anger and disbelief in his voice. “I had to to save her life. better she lives a little then none at all! I can't back out of it. If I do he will kill me!” lauren exclaims “I won't let him take her, no matter what…”
Cameron finishs the story and looks up to see the sweet sleeping face of Niki. he glances at her clock and it reads 8:57PM . “Good night, my angel.” Cameron says as he walks back into his room, gets in bed, and drifts off to sleep.
Niki wakes up to her mom shaking her. “We need to leave now!” Lauren yells “Where is daddy?” Niki asks. There is a loud bang on the wall from her parents room and the sound of a scuffle. Niki hears her dad cussing over and over again then her dad makes a blood curdling scream. “Daddy is waiting for us outside” Lauren says while pulling Niki out of her room and down the hallway “But I just heard him in your roo-” Niki is cut off “DAMIT NIKI I SAID MOVE!” Lauren screams in a panic. Her mom basically drags her down the hall, down the stairs, and outside off the patio and onto the lawn. The moon and sky were blood red, the moon was so bright Niki could see her surroundings. Then Niki hears a loud noise that she thought was a loud electric guitar. They turn and HE is standing there, about 15 feet away. “AFTER ALL I HAVE DONE FOR YOU, YOU TURN AGAINST ME? BAD CHOICE!”  the man lunges at them. Niki awoke, beading with sweat. She ran to her parents foom. “Daddy, I had another nightmare.” Niki wines. He rolls over and Niki screams in horror as her gaze is meet with flaming eyes.

The author's comments:

I wrote this short story for a project in my American Lit class and it came out better then I originaly planned so I shared it with everyone I know and now here I am.

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