The Harp. | Teen Ink

The Harp.

December 20, 2014
By thegameblogger13 BRONZE, Mesquite, Texas
thegameblogger13 BRONZE, Mesquite, Texas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"How do you make time fly? You throw the clock out the window."

My name is Josh Debney, and I'm a legendary explorer. Legend has it, that there's a mysterious harp upon the tropical rain forest. A mysterious harp that leads to every wish you want in life. Many haas tried finding the harp, but there was no luck along the way. That's when I come in, my next adventure is about to begin.

 Twelve years have passed and I've been living in the depths of the jungle, trying to find the harp. But nothing hadn't come up yet. I'm Josh Debne, legendary explorer! I have never failed or given up a mission in my whole life, and I'm not going to with this one just like the others! With my leftover supply of food, I grab my stuff and headed north.

 A long journey it was, but it was all going to be worth it really soon. As I passed through the mighty vines of the jungle, I saw a narrow path haeding into a mystical place. I quickly walked through the narrow path and entered an enchanted part of the tropical. I've never seen anything so beautiful in my life. As I walked through a beautiful garden, I saw it. The harp!  The legend is real, the harp is real!

 As I walked over the water, that was surrounding the harp, I reached out my hand. Then from the skies, a sorm had appeared. Then came an angel from the heavens. "Who are you?" the angel asked. "I'm Josh Debney, legendary explorer," I responded. "You shouldn't be here. This is the gared of the Lord. Free for the forest of the animals, not for outsiders." "What about the legend of the harp?" "The legend of the harp is made up, by a foolish person you heard from rumors. This harp is really here to idolize the beauty of this here garden. Now be gone wih you!"

 At that, I ran out of the garden and the angel retunred o the heavens. I may have not got the power of the harp, but I found the garden of the Lord.

The author's comments:

In my creative writing class, we was looking over the art work of Harris Burdick. The assignment was to pick a picture from his and write a story about it. I did, and this is what I came up with.

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