Releasing Freedom | Teen Ink

Releasing Freedom

January 3, 2015
By Anonymous

“Put the gun DOWN!” The police screamed.

??I shook my head.

“If you don’t, then one of us is going to have to shoot...”

??Again I shook my head. I slowly closed my eyes and let my finger tremble at the trigger.

“Please son, I don’t want to shoot you.” He reassured.

??The only think I could do was shake my head more violently.

??The day was cold and the ally was empty. The only car that was there was the police car. Then plenty more. It seemed like a stand off. As if they knew I wasn’t going to shoot, or thought I wasn’t.

“ Please, Jason, listen to him. I can’t lose you like I lost Luke!” Amy yelled, more of anger instead of freight. That was just like her...

“Shut up... Just everyone... Pl- please.” Then, I realize all my problems started with her. Everything... Her! I slowly moved my gun to face her.

“Boy, stop. Don’t harm that girl.” The police officer said.

“Why?” I question. Did he really want to get into this with me right now?

“She did nothing to you!” Amy started crying angry tears, which brought a morbid smile across my face. I hurt her, I’ve already won. No matter what.

“How would you know? Officer?” I dared. He took the challenge so I continued.

“She’s done everything to me! The only reason I’m here right now is because of her. Everything is her fault and you don’t even understand. You couldn’t even begin to!”

“Then lets settle this at the station... Both of you.” Even more anger spread across Amy’s face. But below that, there was worry.

“No,” it was a sea of Confusion. Even the police officers behind the Sheriff. You would figure they would round me up and kill me or take me to the station. But they didn't budge. I figured it was because they saw me as a threat. Which I automatically knew was wrong, which got me even angrier. Which lead to this.

“ This deserves to be settled here, and right now....” My finger stopped trembling. And so did the world, it seemed.

“Fine! Do it! You were never worth the trouble anyway! I did all of this for you to make your life better! You wanted that! You can’t tell me that for once you didn't want what you couldn’t have. You could never have! Not with Luke in the way...”

I smiled. “ But Luke wasn’t in the way, and even if he was... Hes gone now. For good.”

??Her face went blank. For a second I thought the whole world started moving again, and she froze.

??My finger had more pressure on the trigger now, but no one noticed.

??Then she lunged. Not for the gun like a sensible person, but for my throat.

“I knew it! It was you! You killed Luke! You Killed--”

??She was pressing herself up to the gun, which was uncomfortable pinned up to my stomach, but my finger didn’t loose pressure one bit. If anything, it gained.

??The many police now, all had their guns up. There motive changed from a 15 year old pointing a, probably harmless, gun at his “girlfriend”. Into a 15 year old killer who killed this Luke character, and was about to kill his girlfriend, with a loaded, harmful gun. That’s probably what you where thinking too... Right? But of course I don’t blame you. Your not far off, well entirely.

“Back away from the boy!” the Sheriff said. This was when police officers where moving around me. Getting closer to surround their target... Or victim.

“STOP!!! Stop. Stop moving around me! STOP! MOVING! AROUND! ME! NOW! Or I’ll shoot, I will. You guys think I'm just a kid trying to kill his girlfriend.”

??At the word “girlfriend” Amy flinched, and pulled back. The police at first thought that I shot her. But then they realized there was no sound. Yet.

“ It’s true Amy! That’s what they think. That you’re this little immature little girl, mad at her boyfriend for killing LUKE!” She shook her head in denial.

“ So you did kill Luke?” She said calmly. Luke still the only thing she heard me say, the only thing she cared- cares about.

“ Luke...? The name doesn’t ring a bell” I smiled grimly. Just to make her more furious.

??Of course I knew who Luke was! He was my own brother. My only brother. It was just him, dad, me, Luke’s dead dog Max. Well he wasn’t dead before I met Amy. Neither was dad.

??Luke was all I had left, why would I kill my only friend in the world? I wonder that also.

??She pounded my chest, harder and harder every time.

??I heard a loud pop then. Only I knew it didn’t come from me, because my upper thigh felt wet, and there was no smoke from my gun.

??The bullet didn’t go deep into my leg, it barely even touched it. Just a scratch that would leave a painful scab.

??The shot was fired from behind me, Amy released me, and I slowly turned to face the sender.

“ I’m s-sooo sorry man! I just got so nervous, I knew I shouldn’t of been here! I’m sorry, guys believe me! I’m....”

??By now there where tears in his eyes, it seems as if he saw something I didn’t. Behind me, his eyes where trained behind me on the floor.

  Amy didn’t release me, she was shot. Amy’s lay mouth open in shock, as she knelt on the asphalt ground. Her hand over her hip, she was only a half a foot shorter then me. But that made the difference, life or death. Hip or stomach.

??I backed away, because this was my chance. My opportunity to get away.

From her.

??I hid my gun, but I still had it pointed at her. The trigger so close to releasing freedom, my freedom.

??All the polices eyes where trained on him, the man who almost killed Amy. Except for one, the Sheriff.

??He looked at me sternly. As if pleading me with his eyes. I guess he figured the man who almost killed Amy wasn’t nearly as dangerous as the person who can easily kill her.

And who did.

??That was all I remember. It was as if I shut down, but my auto-mind delivering my needs.

??Once the trails where done, and my death sentence served, it felt as if I finally got my memory back.

??I laid there, unsure of what happened, on the death bed. No one was outside the window to stare in, in shame and sadness. Just the Sheriff and his men, wearing a proud grin. And black.

??Everything went as blur, the trials, the accountable nights in the cell, even the knowledge of Amy dying or not... So I asked, just as they were about to insert the poison.

“Did she die?” I said firm.

??One of the doctors looked at me in confusion. Which made me want to strangle him, but I didn't show that on my face. Instead I tested the belts that held me to the bed. Making my wrist red, but I guess it didn't matter to them. Soon all my skin was going to be pale and dead.
??I noticed the two guards standing at the door, stiffen. I gave then a curious look. It was as if I was just waking up.

??The atmosphere seemed to get tenser as I asked again using her name.

“ Did Amy die.” It wasn’t even a question.

??The doctor in a green doctor’s suit nodded.

??I nodded once, closed my eyes, and smiled.


And I was free.

The author's comments:

I wrote this peice in about 30 minuets, sitting on my couch, in a pretty happy mood. I'm didn't know I could create something so dark, being as happy as I was at the time! 

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