The cracking news paper | Teen Ink

The cracking news paper

February 4, 2015
By Anonymous

A wooden bed room, though a deep night, with an infected world.
It all happens like it always does. Samantha woke up again from that terrible nightmare of the same old cliché happen a few years ago. Organics fall off from her fore head as she sits up. What time it’s it? It doesn’t really matter. Painting and gasping for breath, she found herself staring at the glowing moon light and the cold star. The air is so misty. Why it was her, why evil and helpless happen ONLY on her? Not far from where she sit, she can hear gun fire, she can hear rapid shout for life and for mercy. It is the third year of the germ war and it was already out of control.
    Pale light flashes in from the window, shining on her pale face. Was it really a face? Or it was just some flash over some bone? She sits up and wakes to the window frame, putting her hand on these cold but well made bronze give her a bit of warmth in the chaotic world. It was once such a peaceful place.
“Having nightmare again?” She knew it was him and she also knew there would be one day everything vanish and go silent.
“I’m sorry for what have I done to you.” Samantha’s voice is full of guilt, she didn’t turn.
“It doesn’t matter now.” he said “We are just all about to die, look at the sky, the air, it’s getting thicker.”
Mixed yellow and red liquid escaped from the side of his head as he talked. He now act like all other infections do.
There outside she can see is misty wet air far more than she expected. This mixed air well, is living germ, and everywhere she’s living is full of this foully germs, germs that are fission furiously.
Death came by and took away every simple soul who straggle for life and remain one who thought to suffer.
Dropping to his knee with a smile, he is now lying on the cool wet flour, motionless.
She returns to her bed and find the notebook full of old newspaper under her beloved pillow. Aged yellow page make crack-crack sound as she flip though the page. Her eye ball fall off and bounced away. Once. twice. It hit the door with a squash. She didn’t bother to pick up for it was way less valuable to her than time is to her at this very last minute. The clouds in the air are getting thicker.
“We are just all about to die.” His words came back to her, telling her for the last time that it was the last chance for her to turn the last page open and took a glimpse for the last time of something she hides for years.
...Years past and time flows, nukes are just simply not enough…              …germs are needed now for our own future…     …wars is not avoidable now…         …honor to Samantha and her crew! We are winning …         …we will win…       …Will this war end…        ...Will we live...            …we make it! Thanks to the germ! ...            …YES…
She turns the page and fined the cloud of the mist gets even denser, the taste of death is filling the air.
…President had just taken under control for those who are infected…    …we don’t have much time!!! …   …is that what Samantha are doing before the war? …
                                     God save us all

The author's comments:

NO Biochemistry War

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