Uninvited Guest | Teen Ink

Uninvited Guest

February 16, 2015
By loner15 BRONZE, Fort Wayne, IN, Indiana
loner15 BRONZE, Fort Wayne, IN, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A new couple moves into this strange house. They start to find weird things going on with the house. the wife leaves. Phil finds out whats wrong with the house but dies before he could tell anyone.


Hi, my name is Phil Elite. And I’m going to tell you something I’ve never got the chance to tell  anyone. This story starts in 1985. Strap in tight, because you’re in for a bumpy ride. Like I said earlier, this takes place in the 1900s. It was 1985 to be exact. I remember it like it was yesterday. It was the day I bought my new house. Me and my wife, Jamie, was so happy to get this house. To be in a neighborhood with people just like us. Just normal, ya’ kno. “So I guess this is it, huh?” I said to Jamie with an unsure voice. She nodded. “Honey, look its going to be ok, alright. We’ll have a fresh start. Make new friends and all the stuff. Just trust me on this please, ok?” “Ok, honey” Jamie muttered in an raspy voice. Our last neighborhood had a very high crime rate and we were always getting robbed. Just last month they stole our new T.V. that I bought with all the money I saved  from work. They just took it. So we just had to get out of there. But, anyway as I help the Movers Company bring in the items from the parked moving truck outside. As I was strolling towards the door with a lightweight box in my arms, I noticed that there was a basement window. “ Hey, honey? Did the contractor say anything about a basement?” I said in an shaken voice. “No.” she said, “ But I think you should just leave it alone. We can talk to the contractors tomorrow.” I wasn’t sure about that window but, if i don’t find out what’s going on, it could only lead to trouble. The next morning, that irregular window was still penetrated inside my brain. “Honey, are you up yet?” Jamie wildly exclaimed. “Yeah, I’ll be on my way. Just give me a….” As ,I looked to the opposite corner, of my side of the bed, I noticed a aimless couple of marks dug into it. “ Honey,” I said in the calmest way I could, “ could you come for a minute, please. Like now, please.” My wife was frozen after she bolted up the stairs. It was a sight to see. “ I’m going to go see what the hell is going on here.” I said in a stern voice. I flashed down the stairs with rage. “ I knew something was wrong with this house, I knew it.” As I marched through the house, trying to find the nearest firearm in sight, the doorbell rang. “ Who is it?” Nobody answered. “ I said, who is it!?” I said in an more masculine tone. As we stood there in complete silence, the doorknob began to turn. “ It’s me, Stanley Clark. I’m here for the mystery basement you guys complained about.” “Oh thank god, it’s you.” I said in an unexplainable relief. “ for a minute I thought I had to kill a guy, haha.” I said in a nervously wrecking voice. “ Will come right in mister…” “ Clark, Mr. Clark” Stanley said in a strong tone. As we began to talk, with the contracter, I started to wonder if I was out of my mind or I’m right. I mean, I just try to kill a guy  because I thought he was some kind of creature or something. “What’s wrong with me lately?” I thought to myself. “ So Mr.Elite, have you been experiencing some difficulties with your new home lately?” Mr. Clark said in an obvious sarcastic tone. “ Well, yes we have. We found dug in scratches in our bed posts. As if there was an creature sneaking in at night and coming inside our bedroom, marking his territory. Here, we even took pictures of them. Can you help us or at least go up stairs and look for yourself?” As I gazed into his eyes, I could hear something telling me Mr. Clark has dealt with this kind of dilemma before. “ Lets go up there and investigate these marks.” He said in an, yet again, sarcastic tone. As we began to tour our way to the bedroom, the marks were gone. “ Wait, that can’t be right!” I yammered, “ They were right there. I swear. Please, you have to believe us, please.” There I thought there was going to be hope but, all it was, was a disaster. Just then Mr. Clark bolted down the steps.“ Well, thank you for wasting my time Mr. Elite, goodbye.” Mr. Clark said in an up most confident tone. “ But please,” I said,” I’m telling the…..”  Boom! The door got slammed shut. I don’t even know if he left are home believing us or labeling us as crazies. But the only thing that ran through my mind is, where did those marks go? Later that night, my wife started to worry. “ What was that this morning, huh?” she said in an resentful tone. “ I don’t know, ok!” I howled at her, “ And even if i am right about this strange house, its going to be a full on investigation. So, what the hell are we suppose to do?” I just kept pacing to keep calm and collected. This was freaking me out big time. I wasn’t sure what to do or if my wife even believes me, at all. “ Well, you know what?” she howled back, “ I’m you Phil! I’m leaving you and this bizarre house, until I find a safe house where there’s no robberies, crimes, or outlandish things wrong with the home or neighborhood!” she faithfully shrieked at me. She started to pack her bags. She started  hurling all her belongings into anything she could cram into. “ Ok, fine! Leave! See if I care!” She raced down the stairs. Before I could her leave, she was already gone. The next morning I woke up hoping she would be back, so I could apologize for being a complete butthole. I looked out the window to see if she was there, but I finally took in the fact of her being gone for good. Later that day, I went to the gas-station for a pack of smokes. Soon as I walked in I heard a voice in the distance call my name. “ Phil!” called the strange voice. “ Phil, is that you, man?” I hunted for an exit to escape that wrecked gas station. I started to bolt out of the gas station, back to the safety of my own home. Later that day, I called Jamie to apologize for being a butthole and to see if she'll take me back or to just leave me in the wind. “ Baby, please. I’m sorry, ok?” I muttered in an gloomy tone. I was hoping she would have picked up the phone after 20 missed calls. But, I guess not. So I tried to call any and everybody to come and help me investigate my “new home”, but no wanted to hangout with a nutball. They were either too frightened by my insaneness or they just didn’t believe me. “ Ok,” I said to myself, “ Let’s do this!” I was prepared for anything. I geared up just in case if I was to get hurt. I but I soon recognized that it a little more than normal. Anyway, as I was going around the house I wanted to give it up but, I soon found an exact match of the same marks from yesterday. I knew what I had to do. I followed the marks. As I found more clues like: fur, teeth, marks. As if it was an abnormal type of creature. I continued to search for more clues. As I turned the corner I found a mysterious door. As I opened the door, it let out a sharp shriek. “ Hello?” I called out. no one answered. I slowly strolled the stairs, to see if there were any kind of danger. “ Hello?” I heard growling in the distance. As I turned the corner, I found a terrifying sight.” OH MY GOD!”

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