The Mystery | Teen Ink

The Mystery

March 10, 2015
By Anniebow SILVER, Lakewood, Colorado
Anniebow SILVER, Lakewood, Colorado
9 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Change is inevitable and may not introduce itself in the kindest of ways. The idea is to fine hope in something. Anything. Never lose hope in yourself. Never lose hope in family." Devin & Andrew Oliver

The igniting of the lights gave me a wonderful feel. Even though I knew what was going to happen to the one and only village that could be my home . Thee sound of people crying, screaming , some even weeping so horribly ,you would have thought that their eyes would dry out or their voice would die out.
I saw my father on  the ground with whip marks across his back, all the slashes were gushing blood. Tears started to fill my eyes … I felt horrible for feeling pleasure from , seeing people in agony .My heart fell to my feet , I felt as if I had just been stabbed beneath  my ribcage . I looked at him once more , and he whispered “I love you and I always will ...take c-a-r-e of your m-o-t-h-e-r…. and b-r-o-t-h-e-r” I saw the life leave his body with in seconds. I all I could do was cry and think about how many times I told him that I hated him. My vision became blurred, by the all of the tears. suddenly my hearts beat got faster and faster. Then a thought of my mother and baby brother came to my head.
I ran as fast as I could to our house. When I got there I saw that the door was open, I went in and there was blood on the ground. I yelled “Damian” As loud as I could, then I heard a sound  in the living room. There he was, sitting on the couch with his mouth covered by tape and his arms and legs tied with rope. His eyes were fire engine red ,salt water from the ocean behind his eyes ran down his cheeks like a rainy day.
The sadness runs through the wind like it has somewhere to be.I look down at my feet ; thinking of what I could do to locate where my mother could be. Then Damian, my little brother, started to squirm. His black hair was about  2 or 3 inches long his eyes were as green a forest. I took the tape off of his mouth and then started to take the rope from his arms and legs. He started to say “They have took mama”. I told him “ I know."Do you know who took her or where they took her?”  He responded with a disappointing look in his eyes ,"No."

I picked him up and hugged him and told him “I love you” . He just began to cry saying “I am sorry, I am so sorry I didn't know what to do. I should have tried to stop them.” I whispered in his ear  “ It is okay, we will find her.”. “How?” he asked. “I don't know yet, but I will figure it out.” 

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