Dream of a Jackson | Teen Ink

Dream of a Jackson

April 7, 2015
By kiki16 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
kiki16 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Failure Isn't a choice

I’ve had this feeling that something is following me, but when I turn around there’s nothing there. I feel them breathing on my neck. When I cry, they watch me in the corner of my room. Lots of people say I’m having this feeling because my brother died a few weeks back and that I’m having this feeling that he’s still here, and he hasn’t passed though the light. Maybe I am, but if I could turn back time I would trade places with him. I’m not the only one who has had this feeling he is around but it only happens in my room.


As days go by, I start to physical see him like his hair, body, and his clothes but not his face. Maybe he thought I would freak out if I saw his face, or maybe I’m just crazy. I told my brother’s girlfriend what I’ve been feeling and she said “I have had that same feeling every time I come inside of your room.”  Could it be others inside my room too? Every time I see him in my room it’s like we have this stare down I wait and wait thinking he’s going to talk to me. But I believe he’s everywhere. You might not see him, but he’s there kind of like god, you can’t see him but he’s everywhere.


When I walk in dark room I feel light pushes on my back indicating that it wants me to follow. I sometime think it him trying to push me to continue his dream in music. Oh how he loved to rap, I remember when he was young he would always talk about going to the studio. Or maybe he wants me to finish my goals instead of worry about drama. I will never know why I’m getting pushed but if I feel it’s him I listen. I could write a story and tell a whole bunch of people about my brother or who he was but you would never feel where I’m coming from. I’d rather relive his dream, a dream of a Jackson.

The author's comments:

i wrote this for my brother this does have some truth in it my brother did die i did have this feeling where i saw him in my room and i am going to live out his dream he didnt get to finish.

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