The Incident | Teen Ink

The Incident

April 13, 2015
By AshleyLovesStyles BRONZE, Friendswood, Texas
AshleyLovesStyles BRONZE, Friendswood, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
We have to live before we get older!!

Looking at him lying on the floor dead next to my feet was the most horrifying thing for me. He was my friend, my lover, my everything. To think that I drove to this over a stupid argument over God knows what! I was just angry. I didn’t mean to stab him in back; literally. My heart is racing; I’m not sure what to do. Should I hide the body?’ I think myself. ‘Or should I call the police, and turn myself in.
       I went over to feel his hand, that were once warm, but now icy cold. I feel his luscious brown hair that he always stroked with his left hand. I only wish his eyes were open, so I could see the pool of greeness. Tear start to stream down my face as I look at the body of my lover. My mind is going everywhere about what to do next. Then I decided: I’m going to throw his body in the nearby river!
           I struggled to pick him up and  drag him to the door. As I make my way to the there, I am already out of breath. I open the door, checking left and right to see if anybody will see me. No one is found in sight; thank God!  I try to run fast, but his body is weighing me down. I finally make it to my car, and put him in the backseat, and let me tell you, that isn’t easy. The body now secure in the backseat, I get into the driver side of the car and I drive off quickly not caring what the speed limit is. I started  driving so fast that I didn’t even stop for the light; that’s when I really messed up. I heard a police siren behind me. ‘FML’ I thought as I pulled over. I took a blanket that is lying on the floor in my backseat. I quickly cover him up with it so you see completely nothing, but a big bump.
         The cop came to my window, signally me to let it down. I took my time doing as he insurcted; he looked really annoyed at me. When I finally got it what he wants, he leaned down to my window.
“license and restration please?” Asked.
     I fumble around in my car to look for my wallet; ‘---- I left it at home!’ I tought.
“Ma’am, I don’t have all night.” He said rudely.
     I’m  panicking I didn’t know what to do. I was timidt, I felt nauseated, my palms were sweating. My mind is going everywhere, just from a simple question.
“ I KILLED HIM!” I cried out
      The police offer looks at me with a confused look on his face. I cry and reached in the backseat to show him the dead body of my lover. Thew officer was horrified at the sight. He yanked my car door open and jerked my body out . He put my hands around my back hurting my wrist. He starting talking to his walkie talkie that was located on what looked like his shoulder.
“ I got a murder on Holly road, repeat, I have a murder on Holly road.” He talked in it.
       I have some form of relief in the pit of my stomache. It was all over. I mean I’m screwed, but I’m glad its all over.

The author's comments:

What inspired me to write this peice was looking at the ID channel and hown women go crazy at some point in life

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