the dream | Teen Ink

the dream

May 1, 2015
By macken BRONZE, Mission, Other
macken BRONZE, Mission, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.

Another day at the office,and just as Esperanza was about to pack her things for her journey home. The mailman came rushing through trying to make his last rounds in time as well. This was the third day this week she had encountered the mailman while leaving work.  Yesterday it was her favourite flowers. The day before, her favourite love story “Hold me” By Susan Mallery. Today she received a brown package. All this time she’d assumed that her faithful husband Enzo had been sending her all of these gifts. Upon opening this package she began to believe that someone may know all of these things about her, but it wasn’t her husband and who ever it was definitely did not like her. This box contained a small, glass heart figurine that looked as though it had purposely been broken. Around the heart was red paint resembling blood and a note that read “he broke my heart, now I’ll break yours”. Frantic she continued on gathering her things and made her way home.

When she arrived at her house she assumed her husband would already be home, as she usually worked later than him. To her knowledge she was the only one in her house at this time. As she walked into her house two things instantly caught her attention. One being that her phone was ringing. The other was a mysterious note on the floor by an open window. She could have sworn she left it closed when she left her house in the morning. Before checking out the note she ran to the phone just in time to catch the last ring. The caller was a policeman explaining that her husband Enzo had been in a car accident. The policeman expressed that the man would likely not make it home from the hospital. Horrified, her only thought was to read the note. The note read “He may never love me as much as he loved you, but you’ll never see him again”. At that very moment she pieced it all together.

His assistant Allison was always eyeing her down, and it made perfect sense that she would be the one behind all of this. In that moment she turned around.. there she was standing behind her with a knife. Her life flashed before her eyes, all the things they’d never have the chance to do. Like having children or traveling. A dream, It was all just a dream. she woke up looking around frantically waiting for Enzo’s assistant to attack her but it was only her mind playing tricks on her the whole time. Getting up to grab a cup of coffee she said to herself “I’ll never fall asleep reading a mystery book again”.

The author's comments:

this was a writing prompt for school i wanted to see if people like it 

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