Victorian Demons | Teen Ink

Victorian Demons

May 5, 2015
By PorcalainWriter BRONZE, Mcallen, Texas
PorcalainWriter BRONZE, Mcallen, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
A writer that doesn't write is worth a dime that cannot be spent

It was a dark night, no stars out not even the moon shone upon me. I had a flashlight thankfully or I would succumbed to blindness, it was a dare, a stupid one at that.. I had to enter the so called haunted house, At exactly midnight I might add. A camera and a flashlight my only defence against the demons that lurked there.

Apparently anyone who entered never returned, I scoffed at the thought of me never returning please, nothing could keep me away from the internet. Nothing. I was called the demon child and it was joke that the demons in the victorian styled mansion wouldn't lay a hand on me everything about that place was a joke to me and my few friends.

But when I got there.. Well I froze, I've never been this close to the house. It was almost like a dream, the darkness, the sqeaky door, the crumbling brick. It was like the house knew I'd be coming and shaped itself to catch my undying intrest, like it was begging me to enter the old, haunted victorian gothic home.

So, I entered, a stupid decision at that, my flashlight started flickering as soon as I stepped onto the property and when I stepped into the house it went out completely. The door closed behind me, but I hadn't closed it, maybe the wind? It was pitch black, and overall kinda creepy. I turned on my dad's camera turning it to 'night mode' it automatically let me see, the night vision on.

I looked around the room, beautifully furnished, nothing had been moved so the room was dusty but I didn't mind it's not like I had asthma or anything. I walked around seeing how everything was placed almost perfectly the roof hadn't crumbled in yet so I felt safe, it was so beautiful. The couches and chairs were very vintage straight from the eight-teenth century I loved it.

Then.. I didn't. It started out as a soft noise, almost like it was just my imaginnation, then it got louder, and louder, and before I realized it was a scaream I was already running towards the door but before I got there.. Everything went dark.. And silent.

When I woke up the next morning my back, my neck and my arms were hurting, looking around I realized I was still inside the house but i was laying on a brick table, my arms handcuffed to it. struggling aginst he restraints i started hearing laughing, light flowly laughter. A chill went though my spine and knew this wasn't something good..

''Untie me!'' I yelled my voice cracking with the automatic loudness ''please..'' my voice was now quiet I knew I wouldn't be able to get out of this unscathed or at least with my innocence. Thankfully thats not what they took of me, well what SHE took of me, i didn't realize it at first but a sharp pain reverberated against my body almost like something was growing, not at its own pace out of my spine.

Suddenly I heard a rip then a crack then I was screaming my intire back was being ripped apart by something, I didn't know what now I realize it would change my life forever a pair of wings sprouted from my back attaching to my spine.

''What did you do to me?!'' I screached my back on fire and the newly known wings flapping painfully trying to get away from the restraints now pulling them down. I sreamed at every newly known pain in my body then I heard it.. more laughter then a voice.

''why I only made you better, like me..'' then, out of the darkness, stood a woman, her pitch black hair and dress blending in with the rest of the world, but her white glistening skin didn't, niether did her peircing red eyes. SHe laughed again and walked away, closing a door behind her and locking it.

''Please! You can't just leave me here!'' I called for her for what seemed like hours neveer getting a response. The day passed as a blur, I began to get used to my newly found wings, they were pitch black and had dove soft feathers every part of them were elegant and smooth yet feirce and evil. I learned how to control them in my time alone, how to get them to flap fast, then slow, then stop completely and how to curl them to my back to stay hidden.

I didn't know how long I was in there before she came back, maybe a week, an hour maybe a few days, all I know is I was starving when she did return, thankfully she brought me a meal, well part of a meal. The left overs of a steak. With very few meat on the bones and left over vegtables.  I ate it up greedily and chewed on the bone slightly longer than deemed necessary and licked the plate hoping that I left a morsal and their was more food left, sadly there wasn't and after I ate I was untied and allowed to wander around the small room.

Crumbling brick walls surround me, I thought , breathing in the damp, stale, air. my wings spread themselves out a caught the air slightly a swishing souns coming from them as they flapped trying to get more air, sadly I didn't fly, I guess she cut off some feathers while I was sleeping. But still the air aginst my wings felt father nice like they were made for this, which they kinda were.

I thought a while longer trying to find a way out of here until I saw it, a small opening in the cieling now how to get up there.. I guess I could try to fly.. STanding up quickly I started flapping my wings, trying to catch some air, finally I felt my self lift off the ground flapping harder and harder until I made it out of there. When I did I ran. Fast towards my house I guess I was only there for a few hours because it was still night and my friends were still there. I'm never going back there...

The author's comments:

It was like the house was begging me to enter....

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