Thinking of a thing | Teen Ink

Thinking of a thing

May 17, 2015
By Kali Chapman BRONZE, Southaven, Mississippi
Kali Chapman BRONZE, Southaven, Mississippi
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The night was as crisp as a corpse. She had never been out so late before, but that night, under the stars, she held no fear. Her heart was wild, shoulders were light, and her head was as clear as the sky above it. She had never felt so certain of herself.
She marched. Don’t think of a thing. She thought. If you think of a thing you’ll think of everything. She marched and marched, the gravel crunching beneath her feet, and with each step she bonded with the ground. It became her constant. Don’t think of a thing. She looked straight up to the heaven.
“I can’t think of a thing.” She said.
“Hello?” said a voice.
“Not a thing.” She replied.
“What?” said the voice.
“Nope, nope, nope.”
“You alright?”
“Not a thing.”
“Do you want me to call someone?” Her fists clenched. Another sound began, a familiar drip, like thick rain hitting the earth.
“Miss are you okay?”
She glanced up. “You know I’m fine.”
“Miss, what’s you’re name?” said the voice “You live around here? I could bring you home.”
“You know my home.” She said looking at her fists. More drops fell. “You were there.”
You’re thinking of a thing. You’re thinking of a thing.
“I’m sorry.”
“Stop messing with me.”
“Calm down.”
“Please.”. She began to cry and the drops doubled. “Leave me alone.”
“You know I can’t do that.”
“Go away.”
“I’m not going to leave you.” said the voice “I’ll never leave you.”
The drops quickened in pace.
“What’s wrong?” said the voice.
You’re thinking of a thing. You’re thinking of the thing.
“Please.” she cried “please?”
“I will NEVER leave you.”
She sobbed. The pain was getting to her.
“You know I can’t leave you. You’ve tried.”
“I know.” You’re thinking of the thing. The thing. YOU’RE THINKING!
“You know what?”
“You won’t leave me.”
Her tears stopped.
“Won’t or can’t?” The voice whispered.
“Either.” She said “Both.”
“Doing what you’re doing won’t help.”
“You’re right.” Two sharp clangs of something metal hitting rock rung in the air.
“You know what needs to be done.” said the voice “Pick it up.”
She bends down to pick up the blades and looks away.
You’re thinking of a thing. You’re thinking of a thing. You’re thinking of the thing. You’re thinking of the only thing.

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