goodnight | Teen Ink


May 26, 2015
By Abby2437 BRONZE, Schaumburg, Illinois
Abby2437 BRONZE, Schaumburg, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

"Mommy are you sure there isn't anything under my bed?"
"Can you check again?"
"Please mommy I'm scared." Begged Alex. He pulls his blue quilted rocket ship blanket over his curly blonde head and squirming about in his bed.
"I've checked under your bed three times sweetie. There are no monsters anywhere to be seen." reassured mother tucking Alex back in bed.
"Don't say the 'M' word! Stevie says that summons them! And Stevie says to-"
"There's nothing to be afraid of. Don't listen to what Stevie says because he watches too much television and plays violent video games. Now I want you to sleep, ok?" Answered mother walking out of the room.
"Wait! Can you leave the door cracked open? Stevie says they hate the light." Pleaded Alex.
"Stevie is just pulling your leg, but ok I'll leave the door open."
"I love you mommy. Goodnight." Smiled Alex, as he nestled his tired head in his pillow.
"Goodnight. I love you too." She blew a kiss and dimmed the lights out. Alex listened to his mother's footsteps fade down the long staircase, feeling isolated every distant step she takes. Silence swept across the whole room. His sky blue walls transcends into a dark dull blue; changing the atmosphere while Alex lays awake trying to empty his mind. He tilts his head left and right examining the room for anything that might go bump in the night. Alex closes his eyes seeing and feeling the darkness loom over him. The uneven breathing was all Alex could hear. Not knowing it was his own, anxiety grew over him. The blue walls casted shadows leaning towards him, as if they were about to consume Alex in the eternal night. Hands gripping the blanket as his only protection, eyes tighten as he tossed and turned searching for a comfortable spot to sleep the fear out of him. His heart pounding to the rhythm of a war drum beating faster and faster out of his little chest.
"They're not real. They're not real. They're not real." He whispered to himself. His faint words echoed throughout the silenced room. A raspy voice uttered from beneath the bed.
"Oh, we are real."

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