Following Aaron Doles | Teen Ink

Following Aaron Doles

September 6, 2015
By LadyAthenaFae SILVER, Holdenville, Oklahoma
LadyAthenaFae SILVER, Holdenville, Oklahoma
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Robert peered around the corner, keeping his face hidden, Searching for Nicole. Oh it had been so long would she even remember him? 

“There she is!” He gasped at her beauty, how much she had grown from the Rookie cop he knew so long ago. She quickly strutted towards him, a gleam in her eye. She grabbed his arm, hooking it into hers, and they walked.

“How are you husband?” she said with a wink. They continued walking, slowly following a tall, dark haired man that matched the profile of the case the recently both got assigned to. Unbeknownst to the suspect, Aaron Doles, Robert had finally cracked the case wide open, and called his old student for assistance in catching him. Aaron Doles was going away for a long time, and Robert finally got his partner back-at least for the time being.

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