Deadly Future | Teen Ink

Deadly Future

October 9, 2015
By Super.Syd BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
Super.Syd BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Live is too hard... Time to be a unicorn!"

 Hi. My name is Zoe. You don’t know me, but I know all of you. I’m that girl who sits in the back of the room that no one notices. What I’m writing will make you all notice me, if I choose to share this with the world that is… This is kind of like a diary. I’ll write about the wild things that happen to me, but first you should know who I am before I tell you who I really am. I’m only thirteen. That may not seem like a big deal now but just wait for it. I have long, straight silver hair and ruby red eyes. No I didn’t dye my hair. I have a jacket that I wear no matter what. It’s the only way I can do what I do. By the way, the thing that I do? I help ghosts.
Ok I know that’s a shock to most of you, especially if you don’t believe in ghosts. Maybe after this you’ll finally believe.
August 21
This is the first time I have written in this journal. I can’t keep it hidden anymore! I can see ghosts! It feels so good to get that out. But there’s more. I have a photographic memory so I can recall anything but for now I’ll tell you about my day. First I did my normal routine. You know get dressed, eat, and gather my stuff… So on and so forth. I got on the bus, the big hunk of metal taking me to school. Why is a bus yellow? And why do they call it a “bus?” Wait I’m getting off topic. So I get to school, normal drowsy moans in the halls, but then its lunch and I sit alone, as usual. I like it that way. I look up from where I was eating and see this girl staring at me. She was the kind of girl others would say is gorgeous with soft brown hair gently pouring around her face and soft gray eyes. She was standing in the middle of the room staring at me. After a few moments she came over and sat down. I’m not really used to people just sitting down with me all of a sudden. She looked at me. Finally she spoke.
“What are you doing sitting all alone at lunch?”
“I’m… Um… I’m just… I just don’t have any friends.”
“That’s terrible! I’ll be your friend. I’ll sit with you every day.” She seemed a little eager and a bit perky.
“Um not trying to be rude but who are you? I know everyone in this school and I don’t know you.” It’s true. I memorized every name and face to go with it in the yearbook.
“Oh! Stupid me! My name is Catherine. Most people call me Cat.”
“Well Cat, when were you here last and what’s this school's name?” I have an idea of this strange girl; I just hope I’m wrong.
“It was last year, 2024, and Lakewood Academy.” She says it in a way that she thinks I’m crazy.
“Oh, no. No, no, no. This can’t happen.” I’m starting to freak out.
“What do you mean? What’s wrong?”
“I don’t know how to tell you this. You’re dead. This is the year 2015 and this is my school, Stark Middle School." I know what it means when a ghost doesn’t know they are dead and are in a different place thinking it’s a different time. It’s not good.
“What? How?” She asked nonchalantly.
“What? I don’t know but I’ll help you find it out.” I was surprised by the fact that she accepted it right away. Not many ghosts would do that.
“But you could be in danger by it.”
“How do you know that?”
“Before I, ‘died’ I was into ghosts a lot so I read as much as I could about them. I know that you are rare. For one to be able to see me is rare enough but with your age and the fact that you have silver hair? You’re the only person I have ever heard of this rare.” She started to get excited.”
The bell rings and I tell her I have to go to class but if she wants to come she can. She followed me everywhere, even home. I started research right away. I was on the computer looking up her school when she started asking questions.
“In the lunchroom you sounded worried. Why?”
“When a ghost comes back with no memory of their death, as if no time has passed? It means something bad has happened.” I was trying to dodge the question but she caught on.
“You didn’t answer the question: Why is it so bad?” She said it slowly.
I sigh, “It means you were murdered in a gruesome way. No, not just gruesome, unearthly. I heard of a man who had a case of a women name Sherrill. She was back-tracked. It’s a term meaning the killer killed her in her past. As in someone went back in time and killed her. The man working it died but he was able to bring the killer down as well. It took him twenty years to find him.” I went to bed shortly after saying this.

August 22
This was so scary. I can’t help it. The only thing keeping me focused was my coat. It was a gift from my mentor. She lost her powers after her twin sister died. I was just teaching myself how to help people when I saw her sister walking next to her. I walked over to the woman, strange to me then, and told her she was walking with a lady that looked just like her. She started to cry when I told her this. She later told me how to help and as a gift her and her sister gave me a long red coat. It had buttons all over it and I loved it. They told me it will give me courage to keep on helping and so far, it has. Now wrapped in the coat like it was a second skin I was still cold to the bone with fear. Time is something that no one should mess with, especially a thirteen year old girl. My mentor left me everything. I didn’t know this until she died but she was one of the world’s richest women. Plus I was smart and school would be over soon. I packed some things that I’ll need and called in a favor to a hotel manager that I helped with his dead wife. He said he can give me a room for as long as I need and wouldn’t tell authorities that I would be in New York alone. Did I forget to mention that Cat’s school is a private school in the east side of New York? Oops. I was enrolled as Kara McAllister, a character from a book I read once. My parents are always OK with me going places on my own; mostly because I can take care of myself. OK so I didn’t tell you the whole story with my powers. I have a long plane ride so I can explain.
I can speak to ghosts, that point is obvious, but I can also dive into their lives. Everyone like me has a special “gift” to go with seeing the dead. My mentor could see them but her sister could hear them. I have to touch the most important item to that person and I become them. I live their lives for a day, the day they die. There’s more though; I’m the youngest person ever reported to have the ghost seeking ability. I have a second power since I am the only one like myself. I can save the dead. Nothing changes time like you may think. If I meet a ghost and I see something different about them, such as looking the way they died or such, I can touch the item most important to them and I go back in time. This is normal, but usually I can only see through the person's eyes as if I’m spectating, but when I’m doing this I can guide them and talk to them. Tell them what to do and what not to do. Kind of like I’m their conscious. I can save them. I know you’re thinking that, “You’re going to make a mistake and screw up the history of the world!” Well that’s not how it works. That’s why only a few ghosts can have this aurora thing going on. So it doesn’t screw up the world. Oh! My flight has landed! I’ll tell you about my flight later.
OK so I’m at the hotel and this isn’t one of those crappy hotels. This is almost the top floor, out of thirty-two floors, and it is extremely… elegant. I don’t care so much for elegance mostly because the designer’s idea of “elegance” is mostly white. Luckily the owner of the place knows my taste and so my bedroom area was deep sea blue with a yellow chandelier in the center of the room and a deep red shade of shag carpeting. For now I just need to rest for school tomorrow, but Cat then chooses to come in and talk to me.
“So you are enrolled in my school now?” Cat asks.
“Yeah. I have a schedule with you in most of my classes.” That gets her excited.
“Oh. How will this help since the present me is only three right now?”
“I’m going forward in time. I’m guessing the girls you hung or will hang out with are not that nice but you can help me fit into your group.”
“But I thought that because I’m still alive I wouldn’t be able to be there.”
“You’re alive right now and you’re here.” This made her think for a minute; then she said OK. She finally left me alone and I fell asleep. I wake up refreshed, grab my clothes, and throw them on. I go to my bathroom and look in the mirror. I look a little freaked with my eyes wide and my skin pale. I shake off the look and touch the mirror. A blue colored portal opens. I grab my stuff and step in.

Fast Forward, August 23, 2025
The future is awesome! When I woke up this morning I got prepared then I went to school. The future is awesome! Wait, did I already say that? Well it is so it deserves two awesomes. I don’t want to give away the details of the future so I’ll try not to say too much about it, but I will slip up every so often. That’s just natural. Anywho… I take the subway, which floats above the tracks and is almost silent. The school is the kind of old looking building (I mean old to the present, not the future) that was so big you kind-of feel a little intimidated.
“Ok are you ready?” Cat pops up next to me out of nowhere.
“What!? Oh yeah.” She scared the crap out of me.
“OK Zo. Let’s go to English.”
“Zo?” I don’t think anyone’s ever called me “Zo.”
“It’s you. We always gave each other nicknames.” She looked at her old school. She looked so sad. Maybe I can save her…
The bell rings and I am in my class already thanks to dead Cat’s help. She also dressed me this morning so I look like someone who belongs in her group. It’s English Honors and I have it with live Cat and one of her groupies. The teacher is a sweet older woman that looks like a grandma who likes to have a warm house and loves to bake, not to mention eating everything she bakes.
“Hello class. We have a new student. Please come here.” She gestures for me to walk up to the front. “Say your full name, age and something you want the class to know about you.”
“Put the confidence on overdrive, smile, and repeat after me. My name is Kara McAllister.” Dead Cat was guiding me and I was so grateful since I’m so shy.
I smile and said, ”My name is Kara McAllister.”
“I love to go to McBain’s Book World to read ghost stories.” She was doing a good job so far.
“I love to go to McBain’s Book World to read ghost stories.” Now that got a small gasp from the groupie and live Cat looked up.
“Now just be yourself.”
“I can see ghosts also.” That got the class to chuckle. Now Cat was very interested. “Yeah, they talk to me all the time. I think they’re lonely.” I was smiling so everyone thought it was a joke, but I could see it in live Cat’s eyes, she believed me. Classes all went basically like that. Then I hit the jackpot, lunch. Live Cat called me over to her lunch table which I think was a big deal since so many people were staring at me as if I was walking to my death. I sat down with my lunch and live Cat started asking questions.
“Can you really see ghosts?” She leaned in and whispered though it was obvious no one was paying attention except for her groupies.
“Yeah. I see one right now.”
“Really? What does it look like?”
“First have you ever heard of a back-forward?”
“Yeah. It’s when the person was killed in the future and dumped in the present.”
“Can I talk to you in private Cat?”
“Sure. Wait, how do you know my name?” I pull her over to the bathroom before her friends realize she said anything at all.
“I know your name because I’ve met you before.”
“When? I think I would remember you.”
“2015. You will be back-forwarded.”
“What! No way! I don’t believe you! Prove it!” She is a lot different alive than dead.
“I sleep with a picture of my mom when I feel… low…” Dead Cat tells me. Thank God she got here when she did or I would have been screwed.
“You sleep with a picture of your mom when you feel… low…”
“Oh my God, it’s true? I don’t want to die Kara.” You could see the joy and life in her eyes just dissipate.
“You can still live. I think you’re a rare kind who wasn’t meant to die. Also when we’re alone call me Zoe. That’s my real name.”
“Thank you Zoe.”  The life was coming back in her eyes.
“Don’t tell anyone.” I smiled. Cat is really smart. I’m talking about dead Cat and live Cat. Lunch ends and I didn’t eat anything. Great. Not to mention I have my favorite class… gym. Running? Yeah, not my thing. I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Then I can at least not be bothered…
August 23, 2025
First day of school for me was, thank God, a Friday. I have a list of all the people close to live Cat.
Sarah: her number two. Like her vise-leader incase she’s not there or something.
Mary: the fashionista of the group. Chooses the outfits they wear.
Elizabeth: she’s like a secretary. She keeps a calendar of parties and other events.
Joseph: her kind of boyfriend. He has an obvious crush but she doesn’t seem to notice.
Caleb: he apparently is a former bf but now he stalks her. Nothing that bad just love notes.
Alivia: her step-mom. They don’t seem to get along…
Brian: her dad who seems blind to her feelings.
Jill/Jane: identical twins. Complete opposites. One loves pink and spa’s the other likes blue and football, to play.
That’s all I have so far. The two top suspects so far are Caleb and Alivia. I’m inviting live Cat over later so I can talk to her about this stuff. I hate explanations…
I hear a knock on the hotel door. Before I can get up dead Cat is opening the door. Did I forget to mention ghosts like her are strong? Oops. So basically the door swings open and live Cat is standing there mid knock and I’m still on the couch.
“Do you have some kind of telekinesis?” she asks.
“No you opened the door.” I say.
“Never mind. Come here and I’ll explain how this works to you.”
“So live Cat meet dead Cat.” I pointed at them both even though live Cat can’t see dead Cat. Here is a script version of how it went:
Live Cat, “What are you pointing at? I don’t see anything.”
Dead Cat, “HA! I am so funny! I should know that I don’t have the gift.”
Zoe, “Dead Cat, shut up. Live Cat, you don’t have the gift remember?”
Live Cat, “Oh yeah. How do I know you can really see her?”
Zoe, “Are you really asking this?”
Dead Cat, “Tell her, me, whatever, to wear my charm bracelet from my mother more often.” She tilted her head and smiled.
Zoe, “OK.”
Zoe, “You should wear your charm bracelet from your mother more often.”
Live Cat, “How- How do you know about that?”
Zoe, “You kind of just told me.”
Live Cat, “OK, I believe you. Please, explain how this all works.”
Zoe, “Easy way to explain it would be that people are randomly chosen to have this power. No I don't know who chooses. In your case you will be killed soon, but this killer is not like any other. This person is most likely someone you know from your time. They have the capability to kill you, I don't know how, and take you through time, unnoticed, dump your body, and get back home."
That was how this all went. It took a while to get live Cat to agree and understand the fact that she will die and that it will probably be someone she knows. She wanted to have a sleepover so she brought a lot of things.
“Why did you bring so much?” I ask.
“For the sleepover, duh.” She says it like I should know this sort of thing.
“What’s a ‘sleepover’?”
“WHAT?! You don’t know what a sleepover is?” both Cat’s say at the same time. Live Cat dropped the popcorn she was unpacking from a bright pink duffle bag.
“No… I don’t think I ever had one… I don't watch T.V. much either.” This seems to surprise them even more.
“OK, I’ll explain. So a sleepover is when one or more people come over to a friends house and sleep there. They bring snacks,” she grabs the popcorn she dropped, “and movies sometimes. Then we all just hang out and talk and stuff.”
“OK… I can order room service.”
“Room service here must cost like a million bucks!”
“I have the money. We can also go rent some movies.”
“How do you have the money?! Also where are your parents?”
“I was left with a lot of money by a friend and my parents are back in my time.”
“Oh, OK.”
The sleepover went well. It was actually fun. We watched some movies from my time so I didn’t get any spoilers. But we need to go to bed now. I will talk, well write, to you in the morning.
August 24, 2025
Today we pay a visit to the park to try and figure out our plan to stop her murder.
She tells me the park has this really old Weeping Willow tree in the center and she likes to sneak under it. The reason she says, “sneak” is because you’re not allowed under it. So we get to the park and she was right, it is beautiful. We took the Train of Thought to get here. The Train of Thought is a flying train that takes people to the same or near the same destination when you think about it. when we sneak under the tree we hear a sound and we hide in case it’s a guard or a cop. It’s a boy I haven’t seen before, but by the way live Cat wrinkles her nose I think she knows him. He’s what the girls in my time would say hot, but the way both Cat’s are acting I’d say they think he’s repulsive. He has this brown hair like Cat but his is cut like an anime character almost. Side swept triangular cuts. He has green eyes which are so cool (sorry weird obsession with green eyes).
“Hey Cat. I didn’t know you were here.” He says. He has his hands in his pockets all cool like.
“Don’t try that on me. I know you knew I was here Caleb.” She still is mad looking. Caleb is her stalker! That’s who he is! She never told me how he looks just said his name and he’s a total jerk.
“Oh come on Cat. How about you introduce me to your new friend Kara.” He points at me but he doesn’t acknowledge me.
I walk up to him and say, “Hi my name is Kara McAllister, but it seems you already know that.” I reach out to shake his hand.
“Don’t touch him Zoe!” Dead Cat yells right as he takes my hand in his. I look back at her confused.
“My name is Caleb Jordan. Nice to meet you Kara.” He has this creepy smile stretching across his face like a snake.
“Caleb will you leave Cat alone. You’re creeping her out.”
“Sure I’ll never even talk to her if that’s what you want.”
“Thank you.” I turn and walk away, but I can tell he’s still watching me. After a few moments he walks away.
“Zoe you shouldn’t have touched him,” dead Cat was saying, “ It makes him… different… He was always creeping around Jenny Davis until I went and ran into him. Later he asked me out I said yes, he is the hottest boy in school, and then I left him because he was too clingy. He, then, hasn’t left me alone since.”
“Great. Another obstacle.”
“Wait, do you think he killed me?”
“What? Honestly, no. He’s only a boy who stalks you and since I just changed history, even though so small, it means he no longer cares about you so he won’t hurt you. To him you’re like everyone else. Let’s go back to my place and get ready for bed. The day just flew by.”
August 26, 2025
It’s Monday. I chose not to write about Sunday ‘cause it was really boring. Anywho… back at school and I think I’m going to do some snooping. I would never skip a class so lunch is my best bet…
Lunch time. I blend in with the first lunch crowd until I spot Caleb. I’m following him to make sure that he’s not the killer. With my bad luck he spots me. I think he realized that I was following him so he walked near this girl and said something to her. She turns around and spots me. She’s really big. I stare at her as she walks over to me.
“Caleb just told me that you’ve been telling everyone I am a poor loser!” She has a deep, scratchy voice for a girl.
“What? No. I would never-” She cuts me short as she swings with her giant right fist at my face. I told you I have powers right? Well powers don’t always get you very far so my mentor taught me how to defend myself. I quickly duck and I feel the air from her fist cutting through the air above my head. She goes for a kick to my stomach so I yank myself backwards barely dodging it.
“Oh! You think you’re sooo smart!” She goes to pull my hair (why do girls always go for the hair?) but I side step her and she falls down because of my sudden movement.
“I will get you you little bit-” She is stopped mid-sentence by a floating speaker.
“Kara McAllister and Jordan Malone get to the headmistress's office. Kara McAllister and Jordan Malone.” The speaker floats away.
I reach down my hand to help the girl I now know as Jordan up, but she smacks my hand away. We walk down to the head mistress’s office in the center of the school. Jordan goes in then comes out moments later.
“Kara McAllister?”
“Here.” I get up and walk in.
I walk into the office and it is huge. It has a yellow lamp in every corner and the walls are a dark velvet blue. the carpet throws me off the most. It’s shag. Dark red shag.
“Kara McAllister. I thought that was a character in a book I read long ago. But in that book she never got into a fight.” That’s when the headmistress turns around in her chair.
“Oh my God.” We both say at the same time. I was staring at myself ten years into the future.
“I’m the headmistress of this school?” I say.
“How are you here? No, why are you here?” That is when dead Cat’s impeccable timing comes in handy for once.
“Catherine what are you doing here? How did you get in?” I, well adult me, asks.
“Cat do you know the headmistress’s name?” I ask.
“No one knows her name. Not even teachers.” Cat says.
“Her name is Zoe Margaret. She is 23 years old. She, is me.” I say.
“Why am I here? Zoe, why are you telling this to Catherine.” She says.
“Cat is why I’m here.” I say.
“No, that can’t happen. Catherine is down eating lunch.” Wow, do I become naive.
“You’re right. She’s a back-forward. She came to me and I came here to save her.”
“You should not be doing this. You know how dangerous this is.” She’s getting angry now. I know it’s never good when I’m angry.
“Then help me. Help us.” I say. I would never resort to begging, especially not to myself.
“...OK… I’ll help.” She says.
I leave the office with dead Cat. The lunch room is full and I guess Jordan was a bully or something because now everyone was real quiet. I walk in and sit down. Everyone has their eyes glued to me. I’ll talk more tomorrow.
August 27, 2025
Before school I woke up and went to check the mail. I know I shouldn’t get mail but it’s more just a calming habit. Anywho… I went to check my mail and I reach into the small tube and feel something. I pull out two envelopes. One is pink and one is a plain white that’s blank. I go back to my room and open the pink letter first. This is what it said:
Hello darling. I know we just met and all but I really want you to know how sorry I am for making Jordan try and hurt you. I only meant for her to distract you, not swing at you. I want to let you know how sorry I am. Go to our tree in the park, the one we met at. Wear something stunning not only am I wildly popular at school, but I am also very rich.
Love you,
Great… Well let’s open the next one. this is what it says:
Hello Kara, or should I call you Zoe? I am not very happy with you. Coming all the way from 2015 to catch little old me before I kill Cat? That won’t do… You do know what that means don’t you Zo? It means that I get the honor of killing you before Cat. Oh! I know where you are staying and I’m always watching. Also… DUCK!!!
I quickly drop to the floor as I hear the sound of glass breaking. The next thing I know there is a small hole in the wall. Good thing this is a suite and the place is bullet proof. Apparently they forgot to do the windows though. I read the rest of the letter.
Good girl. I’m always watching. One last thing, Caleb is in the building across from yours with a pair of binoculars. Creep.
Your new friend,
The Killer
This may not seem good right now but I know more about The Killer. For one, The Killer is female. I can tell since a male would not take so much time as to make a letter with magazine letters. Also the fact that this person warned me about Caleb. I look out my window and spot a window that is wide open with a small glare coming from the room like the light is hitting it just right.
I open my own window, “Leave me alone Caleb!” I yelled it loud enough that the window over there shut. I then close the curtain.
Second thing is it’s someone who hangs near or has some connection to Cat and her group.
Third thing is she called Caleb a creep. What girl who doesn’t know his stalker side would say that? Plus she felt something for me since she warned me that he was watching me.
Ok, now we can feel frightened because this girl has to be psychotic. Most people would give up and go home. Where they are safe. I just can’t. I don’t know why. I want to save her and any other people she will kill next. No, I have to. I’ll tell you more when I talk to myself.
“Zoe what are you doing here?” Zoe said to me.
“First, call me Zo. Much less confusion. Second, I have a note you should see.” I pull out the folded up note from my pocket and handed it to her. She looked it over.
“Oh my God Zo. What? How? This isn’t suppose to happen.” Zoe says.
“What do you mean, ‘not suppose to happen?’”
“If you die, I disappear. I won’t be alive. This school? It won’t exist. We can’t let that happen.”
“OK” I say.
“Zo what do we do?”
“Wow. I really get needy. I’m going to have a sleepover with all the girls I can think of that could be The Killer. Then we will play a game and I will watch them. That will narrow down who the killer could be.”
“OK. I think this will work.” Zoe says.
“Oh! After school I have to meet someone. I might get some information about this case.”
“OK. I’m here! If you don’t come out I will leave.”
“Darling, you came! Oh I’m so glad!” Caleb says.
“First off, don’t call me ‘darling.’ Call me Zoe. Also why were you watching me from across the building?”
“Oh I wanted to make sure you stayed safe.” He says with another creepy smile.
“Safe? From who?”
“From-” A shot rings out like a scream. I can’t hear anything. I turn my head and see Caleb collapsed on the ground. I roll him over and feel for a pulse. He’s still alive. I put his arm around my shoulder and half drag him to a cop car.
“He was hit in his chest just missing his heart and his left lung. His name is Caleb Jordan. He was the intended target.” I hand him over to the cop who calls for an ambulance as I run off towards a rental bike shop. By bike I mean a floating circle. I swipe my card and jump on. the only time those lessons in balance my mentor made me do will come in handy. The source came from a building behind me. In a room above mine. Whoever this person is, she is both a genius and an extremely talented marksman. I fly up to the room but it’s empty. I’ll tell you more Friday.
August 30, 2025
I have invited quite a few people. I made a list.
Cat of course
That’s everyone. Oh! They’re here. I’ll explain the rule in a second.
“Hello everyone. Please spread out and listen to my directions. We are playing Mafia. I am The Storyteller. This is how you play: I will pass out cards from a deck. A king means you are a cop; there will be two cops. A queen means you are a nurse; there is only one nurse. Last a joker means you are mafia; there are two mafia. Any other card means you are a civilian. Now let’s play.”
“Everyone close your eyes. If you have the joker you are mafia. Open your eyes.” Jane and Mary open their eyes. “OK choose who you want to kill?” They both point at Elizabeth. “OK. Mafia close your eyes. Kings also known as cops, open your eyes.” Cat and Jenny open their eyes. “Who do you think the killer is?” They both agree on Claire. “OK cops; close your eyes. Queen also the nurse, open your eyes.” Paris opens her eyes. “Who do you want to save?” She points at Camilia. “OK. Close your eyes. Everyone open your eyes. So Camilia was walking around downtown when someone shoots at her. The nurse comes over and saves her but in the shower of bullets Elizabeth was shot and killed. The cops arrest Claire for her murder. Elizabeth and Claire please show your cards and walk out.” They both have civilian.
The game goes on until they all have been mafia. I have chosen two girls who are most likely the killer. Jenny and Claire. They both know about Caleb and they both are not only hunters but also top in all their classes.
August 31, 2025
I wake up early and check my mail. Another note is there.
Oh Zoe, you think you’re sooo smart inviting me to your sleepover. That won’t do you any good. I’m in the building across from you, and by the time you get to her, it will be too late. I’m The Killer and you couldn’t stop me. Not only that but it will look like you did it. That’s right! A complete setup!
Too bad,
I run to the elevator and hit emergency and my floor number. I fall from the pressure but I get back up and run to my room. Everyone is still asleep and the new glass (still not bullet proof the cheapskates) is still intact. That’s when the glass shatters and I fall…
October 3, 2025
I am getting out of the hospital today. You deserve to know what happened. I was shot in the stomach, the only reason Cat lived was because her ghost pushed the gun making it hit me. I know she didn’t mean for it. I don’t know what happened next. I remember an ambulance flying up to my room. Being on a floating gurney. Then I just remember waking up last month sometime. I was too weak to write. I am going back to my own time now. Jenny was arrested. I’m going back to save Jenny from ever harming people. I saved many. I saved myself. I now have a battle scar. My mentor would be proud. Oh! Almost forgot! In the future the gun Jenny used can be set to hit a specific thing, or in my case a person. Just thought you should know.
June 6, 2015
School is out and I have the highest grade point average in the school. I now babysit three year old Jenny teaching her right from wrong. I love my life and would never want to change it. My life is beautiful.
That is my story. It may not seem like much but I promise you if you were there you would be scarred for life. I take my scars and I show them to the world in this way. I will not hide from the pain and suffering that I have gone through. I will stand and tell the world this one simple thing, I am not scared.

The author's comments:

I love this kind of thing so I wrote what I felt.

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