The Door | Teen Ink

The Door

October 14, 2015
By Anonymous

The leaves crunching under Maggie’s feet gave her great satisfaction on her run through the Autumn forest. The path along the mountainside was what made her want to run on the regular. She ran this same path everyday learning where every twist, bend and dip was but today she found something different. A baby blue door at only 4 foot tall was standing in a perfectly rounded hole on the side of the mountain. Curiosity led her to turning the small glass knob on the door. She quickly found that the knob wouldn’t turn. As she backed away from the door she saw something that hadn’t been there before; a round, cracked window. Maggie looked through the small part of the window that was uncracked and saw a stretcher with toes sticking out of the end of the blanket sending chills running through her whole body. Maggie closed her eyes and screamed at the top of her lungs. Once she opened her eyes again, she saw she was no longer on her familiar trail, she was now in the room she saw through the window. It was different this time though; now she was the body under the sheet. Not knowing what else to do, she jumped out of the sheets but found that she had no control over her body. Instead of getting up, she slowly raised her hand to her face and covered eyes. Once she regained control, Maggie uncovered her eyes. Yet again, she was no longer in the same place but tied to a white chair in the middle of a fully white room. Maggie was in shock not knowing what has happened. “Maggie! Save me!” a voice said. A tear ran down her face as she realized what the voice was. It was her sister. Her sister’s voice was calling out from a terrible time years ago. Maggie didn’t know what else to do but fight her way out of the bonds that held her down. With bloody wrists, she banged on the door. “Leave me alone! Maggie, help!” her younger sister’s voice cried again. Maggie closed her eyes and yelled, “Leave me alone!” then it stopped. This time, she knew that when she opened her eyes again, it would all be gone and another nightmare would begin. She looked up but was surprised to see nothing had changed. Looking around the room, Maggie realized what had changed. A shadow in the far corner was whispering to her. “M-m-m…” it said. Terrified, she walked to the whispers. “M-Maggie!” the shadow said, this time louder. Maggie’s heart skipped a beat as she saw what the shadows were hiding. A doll with a sweet blue dress and long braids. Looking at the face was horrifying though. The doll eyes were pitch black and the mouth had vicious, red teeth in 3 separate rows. While Maggie was examining the doll, dark red blood began to drain from the eyes. “Oh no,” Maggie whispered. She quickly turned around and began to bang on the door. To her surprise, when she reached down to open the door, the knob turned and she fell through. Quickly she leaped up from the hard ground and looked back at the door but it wasn’t there. This time, it was just some vines. Maggie moved the vines to reveal what was behind it. She saw a room. No door, just a room carved from the rock. She quickly regretted this decision, for the doll was sitting with its back facing her. As it turned its head, Maggie fell to her knees with fright. “Maggie? Maggie!” someone yelled. She opened her eyes to find her mother standing above her. “Maggie! You had a horrible fall while you were running!” Maggie looked all around the room then down at her hands to find the blood was gone. “What?”

The author's comments:

My 7th grade teacher gave us a topic to write about on halloween and this was it. We had to write a story using a door and what would be behind it. I don't have mt original writting but this is what I remember of it.

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