My Demise | Teen Ink

My Demise

October 28, 2015
By 10buer10 BRONZE, Brookwood, Alabama
10buer10 BRONZE, Brookwood, Alabama
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The night sky was illuminated from the lightning, and the rain could be heard hitting the roof. The dogs were scared, yet they weren’t hiding as usual. It seemed this storm was different, so some investigating was required. The thunder sounded like two cars colliding at full speed, well maybe this was the case. We lived close to Interstate Ten; however, the news was saying to stay off the roads. I was home alone with only my pets as company, no one here to keep me safe, no one here to calm me down, and no one here to keep me sane. The feeling was something dreadful. It was something I wished not to know, for fear of awakening the beast within. My inner self was that of a monster, and now it is rising, with my life coming to an end. Perhaps this storm is my doing, perhaps the heavens are angry, and perhaps that is why the sky cries blood.

The author's comments:

A short work that has a twisted ending. 

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