The Curse of The Wendigo Spirit (excerpt) | Teen Ink

The Curse of The Wendigo Spirit (excerpt)

November 1, 2015
By Jesschessman BRONZE, Aiken, South Carolina
Jesschessman BRONZE, Aiken, South Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
To every Light, there is a Darkness
To every Darkness, there is a Light

Linda stood absolutely still, but she could feel the sweat rolling down her facewith it's fear stricken expression. The Creature looking straight at her, but only growled and snarled, never moving to attack. The Creature stood hunched over, but if it ever stood straight up, Linda guessed it could be over eight feet or so. It was so skinny it was almost skeletal and it's large hands held claws that looked like they could cut through bone. It's bald head shone in the moonlight and it's face was constantly in a snarl while it's fangs were sharp and pointed and it's eyes were white and milky as though it were blind. Taking big steps towards her Linda began to hyperventilate, and forced herself to do so quietly trying not to alert The Creature and almost closed her eyes as it literally leaned it's bald head centimeters from her, and she could feel its breathing. It roared in her ear and she suppressed the urge to flinch. It swayed its head from side to side before letting out a soft growl and stalking away from where Linda stood and for a split second she thought the pounding of her heart would startle The Creature. Suddenly a scream broke the silence as a man walked into the area and saw the The Creature before running at full sprint, however The Creature practically pounced and landed on his back, picking him up by his head. The man flailed and screamed while trying to escape The Creature's grasp. The Creature roared its demonic roar and plunged it's claws into the man's jugular, and slowly cutting open his throat. He gurgled on his own blood while The Creature sliced open his stomach and dove it's head in and eating the now deceased man's intertines, while he tried to scream it only came out as incoherent gurgles as blood pooled around him. Linda stood there unable to move or even barely breathe and could feel her stomach churn silently. The Creature's head snapped up and it roared before bounding off into the caves. Linda took the opportunity to silently sneak away, wanting to unsee everything she saw in the caves.   

The author's comments:

A game called Until Dawn introduced the Wendigo, a flesh craving, nearly invincible hunter that is nocturnal and born from canabalism and I liked the idea of normal people trying to survive a night with a Wendigo hot on their heels.

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