Halloween Story | Teen Ink

Halloween Story

November 1, 2015
By DEEZ_WALNUTs BRONZE, N. Augusta, South Carolina
DEEZ_WALNUTs BRONZE, N. Augusta, South Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Wake up John, I’m watching you,” a heavy, hushed voice whispered in his ear. John’s eyes exploded open, looking to his left and right rapidly, checking over and over again, not knowing who said that. Those words, they sounded so clear, like whoever said them was standing right next to his bed. He sat up, glancing around his room quickly before looking at his alarm clock. 3:17 a.m. That was the third night in a row that those words have woken him up, and that voice. That wretched, disgusting sounding voice, like it wants to cause harm. He needs answers, so John throws his sheets off of him, flips on a lamp by his bed and opens up his laptop.
After hours of research the night before, John was convinced that that there is a demon trying to make communications with him through “lucid activity,” according to many websites he found in the deep, and very dark, part of the internet. Along with that, John also found ways to communicate back with them, call upon them, and even ask them for help, but he was too tired and too scared to try any ancient rituals that night. John felt nasious that morning, like he had eaten some uncooked meat and then been held upside down for a few hours. Feeling decent enough to go to school, John made himself get in his truck and drive himself there.
The next night, John heard the same voice, it sounded a lot closer than it did the past few nights, like it was leaning in close and firmly pronouncing its words in John’s ear. “John, I am going to borrow your body, and if you fight back you will not live.” John’s head shot up out of the mound of pillows near the header of his bed, and violently looked around his room, seeing a tall, dark shadow portrayed on his wall. The shadow slowly raised its left arm, making a fist shape, and then pointing a long, dark finger at John that stretched across the floor of his room, almost touching him. He had no control of his body at that point, as he extended his arm out in a fist, touching the shadows finger. John’s hand opens by itself as the shadow rests inside of it. That's all he remembers before he blacks out.
Three months and 15 days later, John slowly blinks, opening one eye at a time. “What happened to me?” John asked. The room was partially dark, surrounding him were a few lit candles. It was cold in the room, very cold, but John was broken out in a full sweat. There was a small group of people standing around John in a semicircle. “John, honey, is that you,” a familiar voice says to him. Another voice that John thought he knew said, “Be quiet, this is when he is most vulnerable, the demon could come back even stronger in the next few minutes. This is a very bad situation.” the voice said. John then blacked out again.
Another five months and seven days pass by of complete darkness for John, waking again eventually at the end of the seventh day. This time, John could move his arms and legs, but only a few inches finding them chained down to thick wooden slabs. John himself was laying on a large, metal platform, again with many candles burning around him. “John,” and ancient voice said, “If you can hear me, move your right handed fingers.” He followed directions. He turns his head around the room, seeing bodies suspended from chains along the walls, iron bars locking the exits, and dark piles of human remains in certain corners, surrounded by rats feasting on them. John made eye contact with a man in dark, blood stained clothes holding a bloody axe in his hand, ready to strike him. “Maybe this curse is finally…” John blacked out, never hearing the final words of the priest’s sentences.
“Wake up John, we are here with you,” a light, calming voice whispered in John’s ear. His eyes opened slowly, checking his left, seeing his mother, and his right, seeing a face he ad never seen before, but a figure that looked all too real. “Did you enjoy your nap,” the doctor asked with a cruel smirk on his face. “If there are any problems with the stitching in the gums, call me and bring him in immediately,” he said after that. John felt terrible, “Am I okay?” he asked. “You should be fine,” is all John heard before he noticed a dark shadow on the wall taking shape of the doctor, and then his eyes went black.

The author's comments:

Inspired by Halloween 

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