A New Life | Teen Ink

A New Life

November 17, 2015
By keepnupwithjennn BRONZE, Sacramento, California
keepnupwithjennn BRONZE, Sacramento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Throughout life people will make you mad, disrespect you and treat you bad. Let god deal with the things they do, cause hate in your heart will consume you too." - Will Smith

On October 31st, 2014 Halloween, I went with all my friends to trick or treat and we were walking up to this house and it was all black, every little thing on the house was black, the grass was burnt, yellowish and just dry and the stairs were almost coming off and there was no handles. When we were half way there people stopped walking while we kept walking and the people behind us were telling us to not go but we just thought there were trying to scare us so they could get all the candy because the door had a sign that said “KING SIZE CANDY! Knock if you dare” I noticed everyone left but we still went to the house, we knocked and the door opened, it appeared to be a haunted house. I walked in feeling really skeptical and there was a red carpet, rats, reap spider webs with dead bugs on them and tiffany lamps, there was a huge framed picture of a young couple at their early 20s, the girl in the picture looked like a conservative pin up doll with a black dress and white gloves to match her pearls, the guy had a robin hood hat with a feather, dress pants and suspenders. The rats were everywhere it was disgusting they were all black but one was white and it stayed in front of us trying to lead us upstairs so we followed it, it lead us to a room and once I walked in I turned around to look back at my friends and they were gone and the door slammed shut with a master lock. The room was filled with furniture wrapped in plastic and there was a book shelf that opened by itself and it was a dark room, I slowly walked in and I  got tied up in less than like 5 seconds, everything happened so fast, I was trying to scream but nothing was coming out. I was so scared my mind was just blank. Suddenly I saw a figure, it looked like the couple from the picture I saw earlier, I felt them caressing my face I told them to stop to stop touching me and to let me go home to my parents and they became infuriated when I said that they said “DON’T YOU EVER SPEAK OF SUCH THING AGAIN! WE ARE YOUR PARENTS, YOURE EXACTY WHAT WE WANTED, And WE’RE NEVER GOING TO LET YOU GO NOW” my reaction was probably like anybody else’s I felt crazy, sad, confused and scared but this was my new life now. Weeks, months and years went by and I was still here and kidnapping other kids who soon became my brothers and sisters. I was no longer Jennifer the 13 year old I was now Anne the 17 year old.

The author's comments:

In Mr. Johnson's class every year we have the option to write a scary story around Halloween.

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