Six Broken Souls | Teen Ink

Six Broken Souls

December 4, 2015
By rockstar3 GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
rockstar3 GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They are the only ones who are damaged.  I am the only one who has suffered. Six broken souls with the urge for wholeness and prosperity. Six who do not have a place in society, yet are.  Six deceitful souls looking for a reason. From the room in the back, I hear the bang of a window shattering, yet I am unable to move a limb.
Their truth was withheld.  They lie to themselves to ease the pain.  They bulldoze and they tear, and they push through the house with fury and their hunger for death and destruction.  This is how they live.
Let one forget his reason of destruction, they would all falter like an avalanche in the mountains, each taking the other with them. Death, death, death they say as they pound. They murder.
When they have become too arrogant and too self-deprived to keep murdering, when they are up against the wall of insecurity, it is then when they will look at the brokenness. When there is nothing left to take away.  Six who grew desperate for life.  Six who pushed to ease the pain and do not forget to inflict pain.  Six who had a purpose to kill and kill.

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