Lost. | Teen Ink


January 20, 2016
By ArisK BRONZE, Atwater, Ohio
ArisK BRONZE, Atwater, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:

It was a nice hot day and it was time to go to my Dad’s house down in Texas. I didn’t want to go he wasn’t very nice. My Mom wouldn't let me bring my games over there because she didn't think i would spend “quality” time with him. As i'm packing my things to get ready for my trip my mom says “Hurry up you don't want to keep your ride waiting”! I grab all my bags and put them in a car. We finally got to the plane. It was a two person plane and he was taking me straight to my Dads. I was nervous i have never been on a two person plane before. I said bye to my Mom she hugged me and i got in the plane plane and took off. It started to get awkward because it was so quiet. Then he asked me how old i was probably just to make conversation I respond saying fifteen.The pilot looked really old. It was a smooth ride until suddenly we started to lower and i thought we were there and i looked at the pilot and he was passed out i tried to wake him up.The plane was getting lower and lower to the ground each second. I pulled the pilot out his seat and jumped into it and pulled the plane back up. I had no idea what to do. I reach over and kick the pilot he wasn’t moving i think he's dead!

I kinda have an idea of how to drive these because of the videogames that i play, but it still wasn’t easy. I knew the plane had to run out of gas eventually. I saw a big pond so i lower to it trying to land is it i get about ten feet from the water and i slow down and slowly go into the water. The plane pulled forward and flipped over. Luckily i had put my seatbelt on or that could have been much worst than it was.I got out of my seat. The plane was filling up with water fast I say a first aid kit and a survival knife i grabbed that and swam out to the land. It was probably about 7: 00 pm and I knew that i needed to change into dry clothes i took them off and layed them out to dry before it got dark. I had watched survival shows before and had an idea of what to do. I needed to make a shelter i went for a walk in my bare feet. I saw a little cave in the side of a rocky hill. I thought to myself for a second. I had an idea. I got sticks and set them up as a door and leaves to put on the ground to sleep on. I had got leaves to put them over the sticks to block wind and rain. It took about 2 hours it was dark by that time i went and got my clothes and they were dried from the hot sun. Then i ran back to my small cave. I was proud of myself. I eventually fell asleep and then got awaken up by loud foot steps. I was terrified. Then I heard a loud roar. I instantly knew it was a bear.

I peeked through the sticks. He was looking in my direction.

I didn’t know if he could see me or not so I stayed as still as i could possibly could. He looked away and started walking. I couldn’t fall back asleep i had no idea where i was even at. I felt like crying but i wanted to hold myself together. I eventually fell asleep to the sounds of the bugs. Morning arrived and i was starving. I thought maybe i can catch some fish, but i knew it was going to be a big challenge to get a fire started. It seemed around nine o’clock. I have never been so hunger in my entire life, i knew i had to get food. I started to look for a long sturdy sticky. One that could be turned into a spear. I started walking, again started wondering where i was  at and i come upon a path. My hope was restored. I run back to my little home and grab some of my things. Then started running down the path. To come to a small little house. I saw lights inside. Then i run up to the door and i started pounding on it screaming “HELP”! I could hear someone walking to the door. Then the door handle rattled and you could hear them unlocking the door. It open, I looked at him in amazement. I ran into his arms and started crying. I didn’t think that it was real. It was my Dad. He asked me why i looked so beat up so i told him the whole story. He let me use his phone so i could call my Mom. She picked up the phone instantly and i said “MOM!  I’M OKAY”. I told her what happened and after that i hung out with my dad. I didn’t think that he was going to be as cool as he really was. Everything eventually turned out okay and i got to start spending more time with me. He drove his truck all the way down to florida just to spend the week with me.

The author's comments:

I'm only doing this for a grade.

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