One Last Touch | Teen Ink

One Last Touch

February 24, 2016
By Anonymous

The little sensation of the water off the tips of my fingers reminds of the days as a young boy playing in my kiddie pool. This is one of the very few connections I can relate back to my childhood. With nothing else around me what else is there to do but think. It only dawns upon me that the amount of ripples my fingers left behind shows of more memories into the past. The confusion, the hate, the love, the disappointment have all come together in this one blurr of motion. Its amazing how it can fit into such a small puddle but that is all I have of me. 

         Once the water has settled the mirror into the past is now a mirror of the present. The stolid stare I give is not one of habit, but is one of choice. The face people show is much like this puddle. It gives you an inlook on their past. Wheather it was one of grieving and hate or of joy and success. But my doesnt represent what I have been through, it's much like a mask. I can hide behind it, not let people in if they even bother to try. My mask has weakend over the years of people trying to breakthrough. I have grown weary of trying to patchit and here is where i will leave. With one last touch of the water that is where my mask is lain to rest. 

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