The Recurrence | Teen Ink

The Recurrence

February 24, 2016
By <3Kitten36<3¯&#92;_(ツ)_/¯ BRONZE, Madison, Wisconsin
<3Kitten36<3¯&#92;_(ツ)_/¯ BRONZE, Madison, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Magnus wakes up in a cold sweat. He wipes his brow with the back of his hand. He sits up and makes sure he is awake. This is his third recurring nightmare. The nightmare starts with him swimming in the ocean, the waves become too big for him and overtake him sending him underwater, resulting in his death. Right before he can no longer hold his breath giving himself to the open water, then He wakes up in a cold sweat.
Magnus hops out of bed and heads downstairs. Moving silently to not wake his parents. Once downstairs he follows his nightmare routine, he pets his dog and heads to the kitchen. After getting a glass from the cabinet he turns towards the sink. When he turns something catches his eyes. Down the hallway he sees a balloon. Magnus snaps his head back to see the balloon but it was gone. This gives Magnus a chill and sends him flying upstairs back to his bedroom.
Magnus calms himself as he goes up the stairs, reassuring himself that nothing was happening and this was all in his head. He kicks his slippers off and climbs in bed. Magnus closes his eyes for a second then opens them to catch something watching. He sees nothing. Magnus closes his eyes and goes to sleep. He sleeps through the night and wakes up the next morning groggy. Magnus throws on an outfit and heads to school, with another day ahead of him.

The author's comments:

This is a piece I wrote for fun, I hope you enjoy!

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