Who's There? | Teen Ink

Who's There?

February 26, 2016
By Makayla_Ann BRONZE, Haltom, Texas
Makayla_Ann BRONZE, Haltom, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Entry 1: It started a week ago. At first I thought I was just misplacing things. But I know that isn’t the case. I lay my keys down in the little bowl on the inn table by the door, and then I find them in my office, on the other side of the house. I’m starting to get annoyed, these little tricks have made me late to work a few times now. It wouldn’t be that big of a deal… if I didn’t live alone.

Entry 2: A month now. A month now something has been moving my things around, my keys, the blankets from my room, even my toothbrush. It’s driving me crazy. To add onto that there's a new thing. The lights. I swear I’ve turned more off than I have on. I keep coming home from work and the lights in different rooms are on. Rooms like the guest bedroom that I haven’t been in for days. But now I’m starting to wonder...should I turn them off like it wants me too...or leave them on so I can see?

Entry 3: I can’t do it anymore. I’ve told three people about what’s going on...none of them believe me. Now there's the knocking. It happens sporadically and always in threes. Knock, knock, knock. Just like that. It comes from all over the house. At first I tried finding what was causing it. When I would get close it would suddenly stop. Then I didn’t hear it for days. I almost thought it was over...yet my stuff still kept moving and the lights were still being turned on. Then it came back louder than before.

Entry 4: I have to move. I can’t do it anymore. It’s been months now and it just keeps getting worse. It’s the doors now. Some are left wide open even after I’ve shut them. Others close, making a loud banging sound. I don’t know what to do. I can’t keep doing this. I can’t sleep, I’m afraid to close my eyes...what if it gets me? God, I just want it to stop.

Entry 5: Two weeks. Two weeks I’ve been in this apartment without any incidents. I guess whatever it is wanted me out of the house. Well it can have the house. I finally had a full night's sleep without worry last night, the first time in months. Maybe now I can get back to normal.

Entry 6: It’s back! It all came back! Objects getting moved, the lights, the knocking, the doors. But now, now there's whispering. I can’t understand it but it’s there. So quiet and soft...it’s going to kill me. I know that’s what it’s saying….it’s warning me I think. 

Entry 7: For whoever finds this just know, I have her. Don’t be afraid, she is safe, safe with me. Where she will stay, forever. Don’t try to find her, you never will. 

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