Angel in the Skylight | Teen Ink

Angel in the Skylight

February 26, 2016
By Crystalmagick33445 BRONZE, Garden City, Michigan
Crystalmagick33445 BRONZE, Garden City, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Jennifer was a successful lawyer, she made lots of money and was able to give her kids many of the finest things in life. Jennifer lived in a large house with her 2 children, 8 year old Cindy and 9 year old Katie. Often Jeniffer would have to go out of town which would leave them in the care of one of Jennifer's friends Sarah to babysit. Katie loved babysitting the kids and the kids loved Sarah. Jennifer had to go out for a business meeting not too far from town so she would be home at 11:00. Sarah came over and watched the kids, Cindy and Katie yelled “SARAH!”, excitedly. Jennifer had been in the meeting for 5 hours when her phone went off, it was one of Jennifer’s neighbors, she said that Sarah was in the hospital and Cindy and Katie were in her care but they were frightened. Jennifer immediately drove to the hospital to see Sarah. The doctors said that she has a minor concussion and was able to go home by 12:00. Jennifer asked Sarah what happened. Sarah said that she had put the girls to bed and then she went into the living room to read a book. She heard one of the girls scream, thinking it was a bad dream Sarah rushed to the girls room. Sarah asked what was wrong, both Cindy and Katie were staring up at the skylight window in their room. Sarah looked up and saw a dark human form standing and watching them. Sarah quickly called the police and waited for them to arrive when there was a knock at the door. Sarah looked in the peephole and saw a cop at the door so she opened the door. It was no cop, it was the dark human like form standing there. Sarah tried to close the door but the being was so strong it swung the door open with such force that it knocked her to the ground. The being looked like it had wings of some sort, and it lifted her off the ground. Then she dropped to the ground and then blacked out, when the cops came they had not seen this form Sarah told them about. The only people who were there were the girls and Sarah. After that a neighbor rushed over and told the cops that she would call their mother and take care of girls until their mother got home. Jennifer drover Sarah home when she was released from the hospital and then took her girls home. She asked the girls if they had seen this dark form, they said they did and after Sarah blacked out they ran to their room where the being tried to bang on their door. Once the cops came they heard a loud whoosh sound and then silence. Jennifer also asked if they saw this being’s face, the girls said yes and they knew what it was. They replied” It was an angel that came to take us heaven”. Jennifer was frightened, when she went to the girls room she saw bloody claw marks on the door. They never saw the creature again but they will be ready if it ever comes back.

The author's comments:

This is the story of a families fight for survival against a mysterious entity from another dimension

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