A-Town | Teen Ink


March 11, 2016
By Thomas8426 BRONZE, Papillion, Nebraska
Thomas8426 BRONZE, Papillion, Nebraska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

            Atlanta, Georgia, many rappers have grown up in this city. James Jaquan, a tall stocky black male with long brown dreadlocks wanted to be the next big rapper to come out of this city. Being only 17, James still goes to high school. He isn’t involved in sports but does maintain good grades.
            “You’re the whitest black kid ever.”  His only black Bravo would often tell him. James isn’t like most rappers, he like to spread peace, love and positivity. He never did drugs and wasn’t involved in gangs. He was mainly like this because his dad was shot nine times by a rival gang member. This scared him and stayed away from that stuff as much as possible. At school Bravo was usually the only kid James would talk to. Having the school being mostly ghetto black kids he just didn’t feel like he fit in.
            “Yo James, can I talk to you about something?” James was confused. Bravo didn’t usually approach him like this so he knew something was wrong.
            “Yeah what’s going on man?”
            “I have some s***ty news, imma be movin’ up to Detroit next week.”
            “Out of all the places why would you want to move to that place?”
            “Well my dad after 17 years finally decided he wanted to be a part of my life. Its great timing too because my mom already wants me out of this house.” Before James could realize it his one true friend was gone. James found himself staying inside more and more often. Just when he thought things couldn’t get worse, he found out his mom was diagnosed with stage four breast cancer. Not being able to afford chemotherapy, doctors said his mom only had days to live. Losing the two most important people in his life, James didn’t know what to do anymore. Very depressed, he thought he would try out some drugs. He knew exactly who to go to. His neighbor who he used to be close to is one of the biggest drug dealers in the school. James rang the doorbell hoping Joe would answer. James had to ring the doorbell twice but Joe finally answered the door.
            “What’s up?” Joe said looking confused to why James was at his doorstep.
            “Aye can I step inside real quick? I need to talk to you about something.” Joe invited James inside where he experimented with some drugs. Joe had a bounty on his head for not paying people back.
            “Ight man its getting late, imma head out ill text you tomorrow and I’ll probably buy something.”
“Ok sounds good. Try and text me before 7 though because I have s*** to do.” Joe said as James was walking out. While walking back to his house James felt as he was being watched. He heard a car getting closer from behind him. He heard gun shots and started to run. He was shot 3 times in the back, and once in the leg. Unconscious, he laid in his front yard until authorities rushed him to the hospital.
            James was officially in a coma from all of the blood he lost. It wasn’t till year 2043 till he woke up.
            “Where the hell am I?” He asked the doctor.
            “Atlanta Medical center, you were shot be a gangbanger all the way back in year 2015. Luckily an officer was patrolling the neighborhood of you would have died. You are lucky to even be alive. You seem to be doing fine now that you’re awake. You can leave whenever you are ready as long as you can walk.” James didn’t know what to do, he basically had nothing after being in a coma for over 25 years. James was approached by news reporters outside the hospital.
            “James you are a walking miracle, how do you feel after being in a coma for over 20 years?”
            “Well im not tired.” he said smiling

The author's comments:

50 Tyson, the best rapper alive inspired me to write this story.

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