Vengeance. | Teen Ink


March 22, 2016
By ayela.2000 BRONZE, Rawalpindi, Pennsylvania
ayela.2000 BRONZE, Rawalpindi, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

While walking in that dark alley Lisa started to remember that dreadful night, the night it all took place. She had been peacefully sleeping in her room when she was woken up by sounds of shouting outside, confused and scared; she got up from her bed. ‘I SAID GIVE ME ALL YOUR MONEY LADY, OR ELSE’. Hearing that made Lisa even more frightened. She quietly opened her door to see what was happening outside. Her mother and older brother were standing outside, and directly in front of them were three masked men, thieves. They had guns and one of them was pointing the gun directly at Lisa’s mom, ‘Lady I am not playing around! This can’t be all you have!’ Lisa’s mother sobbed ‘No, this is…this is all I have, please, leave us alone’. This made the man even angrier. He started to walk around in frustration, Lisa’s mother sobbed. ‘QUIET LADY! You’re going to alert the cops with all this noise!’ Lisa’s mother couldn’t control it, she kept sobbing. ‘I SAID QUIET!’ .Just then Lisa caught her mother’s eye, and the tiniest bit of hope flashed across her face, her brother noticed Lisa too, and started to look in her direction. One of the thieves turned his head around to see what they were looking at and he saw Lisa, he quickly rushed towards Lisa, her mother lunged for him, buying her some time and said ‘RUN LISA’. Lisa locked her bed room’s door. The man threw Lisa’s mother off of him and shot her. Her face went limp, and all the blood drained from her face, the brother then started screaming, and he was shot too. Lisa heard the gun shots and tears filled her eyes, but she knew what she had to do, she opened her window and jumped out into the garden. Then she started running, and she kept running until she was sure she was safe.  After that night, Lisa’s life had changed forever. The only option she had was to go to her father, who was an alcoholic, for the three years she had lived with him, he had done nothing for her, sometimes, he used to come to her room while he was drunk, and beat her up. After those three years of more pain and torture, she ran away and was taken into a foster home. Now, all these years later, she had discovered the people that were responsible for her family’s death, and she intended to take revenge. She was following them in a dark alley, a gun in her back pocket; she remembered all of the moves she had been taught in the self defense classes she’d been sneaking out to take. The men she was following were buff and tall, she didn’t know whether she would be able to do this, but there were advantages to being small, she was agile and fast, she had this. Lisa quickly ducked behind a dumpster as one of the men turned around. Phew, that was close, she thought. ‘Hey man, you think someone is following us?’ he asked the other two. ‘Both of them turned around but saw nothing but a dumpster. ‘No, there’s no one following us, let’s just get back to Tucker, alright, he needs some work done today.’
Lisa let out a sigh of relief. She continued to follow them until they reached a door that read ‘Exit’. This was her cue, Lisa dug a gun out of her hand, but she knew it would be better if she just used her knife instead, she needed to be quiet. Plus, she was good with a knife. The three men were standing right in front of Lisa, completely unaware of her existence. Lisa lunged for the man in the middle, she tackled him from behind and then jabbed her knife into the back of his skull, one down, two to go. The two other two were startled, but they recovered quickly. Lisa jabbed her knife into the second man’s chest, but the third one tackled her. He was directly on top of her, and her knife had flown out of her hand when he tackled her. Lisa put her hands around his neck and started to strangle him, but he punched her hard. She pushed him off of herself and then stood up. She took her knife and was about to kill him when something sharp went through her chest. The man she loomed over smiled; she looked down and saw the point of a knife poking out of her chest. Lisa fell, this was the end. The same men that had been responsible for her brother’s and sister’s death were now killing her too. Tears rolled down Lisa’s cheek. She saw her life flash before her eyes, her memories playing with her brother when he was little, the day her brother and mother had been taken from her. The years she spent with her abusive father. Her years in the foster home, and today’s morning, when she had been planning to come here and take revenge. At the end she thought about her brother and mother , and how she would be joining them now. Then everything went black.

The author's comments:

This is my first time uploading something on this site. l aspire to write more in the future, and any constructive critcism is welcome.

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