Elusive | Teen Ink


April 1, 2016
By ashton.rod BRONZE, League City, Texas
ashton.rod BRONZE, League City, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

FADE IN: EXT: A women in her early twenties with curly red hair, a slight tan, and dark brown eyes. She is seen walking down a rougher looking street in Chicago at 7:30 pm on a Thursday, with a heavy over cast, the temperature is about forty five degrees, and there is a slight breeze. After about a minute of walking and observing what the street lamps have made visible for her, VIOLET turns down a narrow ally way.  
VIOLET V.O.: (Said in annoyance toward a new piece of graffiti on her apartment building.): Of all the years I’ve lived in this city, the people in it never fail to annoy me. (Moves back to get a better look at the painting, and sighs forcefully.) Ugh, especially the artists.
TRACKING SHOT: VIOLET walks up the back stairs, unlocks the door, and enters the long brightly lit hallway. CONTINUE V.O. (Pondering): Why can’t people just leave things the way they are? Without ruining buildings with eye sores like this. I mean come on, I live here, why don’t they just spray paint their houses instead? (Sudden realization) Oh my god, I’m turning into my mother!
CUT TO: VIOLET opening the door of her apartment and hearing the radio blasting the end of Lady Gaga’s song Judas. RUBY, VIOLET’s sister is seen laying on a white couch facing a TV showing an episode of Bates Motel. RUBY is subtly taping her foot to the beat of the music. 
VIOLET: (To RUBY, shouting above the music.) Hey! Could you keep it down, we have neighbors you know?
RUBY: (Turning around, surprised to see her sister back so soon.) Ha-ha, sorry about that! (Goes to turn the radio down before pausing Netflix.) What are you doing back so soon? (Beat) Didn’t you have an art exhibit to go to?    
VIOLET: (Crossing to the refrigerator and pulls out a bottle of water.) (Sigh) that’s what I thought too. (Turns around and leans on the counter.) Apparently, it’s been moved to a later date due to lack of funding, (Beat) aka it’s been cancelled.
RUBY: (Sitting down on a red bottle-cap bar stool placed next to a bar styled counter looking at something on her phone.) Aw, man that sucks.
VIOLET: (Looks at her irritated) Yeah, I know. And not only that, but some jackass decided the apartment building was a canvas.
RUBY: What’s that supposed to mean? Some guy paint the lobby?
VIOLET: No, (grunts) what I mean is there’s a big ass mural of a stroller and stairs on the back entrance.
RUBY: Wait, (Her eyes go big as she searches up something on her phone franticly.) did it look like this? (She flashes the phone in front of VIOLET’s face, it shows the exact picture of the graffiti outside.)
VIOLET: (Blinking a few times before focusing on the picture.) Um, hey yeah, that’s exactly what it looks like. How did you find that-?
RUBY: (Standing up clutching the phone in her hand.) No (Beat) way. Dude, do you know what that is?
VIOLET: No, but by the looks of it you do.
RUBY: (Walking up to VIOLET and trying to find more pictures of Banksy’s art.) Vi, this is Banksy!
VIOLET: (Still standing there confused.) Am I supposed to know who that is?
RUBY: Only if you want to be an in-the-know artist!
VIOLET: (Finds a seat at the small square kitchen table located by the wall and RUBY follows.) You have my attention.
CLOSER ANGLE: VIOLET and RUBY seated across from each other at the small brown kitchen table. B.G. shows a window divided into squares by white lines and overlooks a sleepy street as night descends on the city.
RUBY: Ok, so basically Banksy is this crazy elusive graffiti artist whose work literally appears out of nowhere!
VIOLET: (Finding this hard to comprehend.) But, w-what kind of artist doesn’t want to be created for their work? I mean they did it!
RUBY: (Leans back in the chair.) I don’t know man. Maybe that’s something for you (CUT TO: Tight angle on VIOLET still looking confused.) to find out.
(MATCH CUT TO: VIOLET leaning back in her chair and crossing her arms, thinking.)
RUBY: (After a long pause.) Hey, could you, um, do me a favor?
VIOLET: (Being taken out of her trance.) Um I guess?
RUBY: (Excitedly, like a little kid.) Show me the painting!
JUMP CUT TO: VIOLET and RUBY just walking out of the back entrance.
VIOLET: C’mon it’s right over here- (She begins to walk until a figure is seen looking at the graffiti form the shadows and freezes.)


The author's comments:

This piece is only an expert/ rugh draft of a screen play that I am working on. It is heavily inspired by the works and actions of Banksy, an elusive, hints the name, graffiti artist.

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