Lituation | Teen Ink


April 18, 2016
By Anonymous

It was a gloomy night in the city of lituation. There was a horrid storm that night which was very unusual in that town. Hannah was laying on the couch watching movies on netflix when the power suddenly went out. Everything got quiet. She tried to turn on the flashlight on her phone but for some odd reason her phone was dead and she just took it off the charger. She yelled for her mom and dad but got no response. Chills ran through her body. Something obviously wasn't right but she couldn't figure out what was happening. She stumbled her way to the door to see what was going on outside. The door squeaked as she opened it and she peered out. It was dark and silent. Hannah took a deep breath before she stepped out into the darkness. She walked over yo her neighbors house and realized halfway up the drive-way the door was open...and so was the door of every other house on her street. She jetted back over to her house only to see that the door was locked. Her heart was beating a mile a minute at this point and she didn't know what to do. She heard a scream from down the street and decided to go after it. She hadnothing else to lose so why not. She took another deep breath before she ran off toward the voice. She slowed down when a dark silhouette came into sight, but the closer she got the farther away it seemed to back up. She followed it all the way into a dark alley and watched it walk into a door on the side of a building. Without thinking she ran after the figure and into the building unaware that there were steps. She fell down the 10383 stairs and died. What she didn't know, was that it was a prank for her 17th birthday and down those stairs was everyone in the town throwing a birthday party for her. The whole town was charged with murder and they all went to prison.

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