Looking Through the Mirror | Teen Ink

Looking Through the Mirror

April 27, 2016
By Anthony,Turner BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Anthony,Turner BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Alex as she is named in this novle is a young girl how becomes friends with a mirror, although there is a dark side to this she learned the dangers to what might happen. Haveing to much self esteem is a danger to all of us, find out what role does the Mirror play, what might Alex face.

Chapter 1: All you wanted!

It’s was a cold winter’s night, and what a night it was as I ran viciously up the creaky stares to my bathroom were a slammed the door, which made a thumping sound, I rushed to the back of the room where I last saw the mirror, soon the mirror was cracked into pieces with only one repulsive punch of my fist. The mirror cut my hands and feet only a little, quickly I picked the pieces of broken shards of glass, I then though the pieces into to the toilet, most likely because there was no trashcan in the bathroom near, and also my mother would be home at any second. Trying to flush as hard as I could I spring to the lever and pushed as hard as I could till ever single piece of glass was went down the drain. Finally I replaced the mirror, with an exact mirror of the same material which I found in the attic, there was not much of a difference, all thought it was much cleaner, it would have looked like I cleaned every single mark or scratch on this mirror. This was good news too, just in time for my mother to come home saying “I’m home”. I rushed down the quirky stares down to the kitchen to start a new day.
  Mirrors are the ways to turn you from incident, to being a self-center person, well this one tried to make me that person, let’s start at the part of where this big mess started. Wednesday, on a cold winter’s night I looked into the mirror to look for any pimples, nothing, only a sad little zit I washed it till I thought it was gone, but no, I saw a reflection of me with a little zit on me chin. I looked at my yellow shirt and jeans, the were a little dirty, I started to wash my pants, a put some green soap in my hand and a little bit of water, the feeling of wet soggy jean and sox’s really bugged me, but went on, and ignored the wet cloth. “Pss”, said something from out of no were, I then jerked my head around, but I saw nothing, there just my depressing reflection. “Pss”, I looked confused and looked in the mirror which said “Pss” again I was still glaring at what a saw, I was kind of afraid to see something unrealistic speak in suck a voice much like mine. It’s seemed to be another replica of me in a glass mirror speaking to me, this was the very horrifying because the talking reflection had my revolting zit in the same place, and it was most creepy to see a reflection not doing what you are doing, and it was disturbing. It then started to speak again, “if you want I could help you get that dreadful zit of you”, I knotted my head and did what my reflection told me to do, much to my content the zit was gone, I looked in the mirror, but it was just my reflection, in a normal way, my mom called me down to have some leftover meatloaf, everything was back to normal, at least I thought. I sat in the wooden chair, which gave me splinters one day unfortunately, to eat the leafed overs. We moved in this dreadful, old, house couple days ago, l wasn’t very satisfied when I drove up to this old manor for the first time.
Sometimes I’m confused with a boy, which is completely annoying, mostly because of my name which is Alex, and it is totally a girl’s name, and a boy’s name, some people don’t stick with the program, also I’m referred to a boy because of how a dress and act, I don’t really like doing all this girly stuff, I like doing awesome stuff like, sports, which I would do if my mom would let me out of the house for once. I’m homed schooled which totally stinks, and it’s been raining for the past three months, which also stinks. It almost feels like my life stinks, which it most probably does stink. My mom says “I could be worse”, in till the house gets struck with lighting and is lit on fire, that’s why we are now in this creepy, old, house, which also stinks.

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