The House Beyond the Woods | Teen Ink

The House Beyond the Woods

May 24, 2016
By pmolina9298 BRONZE, Park Ridge, Illinois
pmolina9298 BRONZE, Park Ridge, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The moon’s light shining through the trees shadows. The mist dancing in the woods as if it had a life of its own. The streak of blood I leave as I drag him through The crackling leaves.
I hear voices telling me to continue. The moon’s light reflecting its face on the swamps murky water. Pulling him by his hair, putting his head under water. Restraining and gasping for air like a fish drying on shore. He stops moving. His life-less body lays there. Blood stained on my hands. A smile forms on my face. I continue through the night like a wolf hunting its prey.
It was the week after halloween when we moved down south to Georgia. My wife and my two kids. We’ve been waiting to move into this house for such a long time. It was perfect. 3 floors, 4 rooms with a pond just close by. just behind the house was the woods blazed with colors of red yellow and orange. Behind the house, a couple yards into the woods there was a well. Strange place for a well to be in the middle of the woods but it wasn’t my main concern. I was just so happy. the house white with a black chipped roof. a Brown almost red porch in front of the house. Big Broad windows that stare into the night. It was located right outside of Savannah. You had to take a back road to get there. It was everything we could ask for.
Ever since we moved in, my 15year old son Adrian comes homes everyday saying

“dad, the kids at school say we moved into the evil house.”
What do they mean by the ‘Evil House’? Did something happen here? I call the lady that sold me the house a few nights later. We were on the phone for not even five minutes and she tells me.
“There were three murders the happened in this house. they were the wilkinson family. The father went psycho one day and brutally murdered his wife and two kids, then hung himself in the attic. Except his son and daughters bodies were never found.”
My heart sank. A lump formed in my throat. i can not believe what i just found out. Later that night i told my wife, she was in the same shock i was. We both agreed to not let our kids know. We both went to bed that night as if nothing happened.
That night i woke up in the middle of the night. Awoken from a nightmare of a distinguished figure coming after me. Hurting my family. He was tall, grey facial hair black eyes, his neck broken. Blood soaking his body, while he held a wood cutting axe in his hand labeled with blood dripping from it. I heard voices calling my name. I heard footsteps dragging in in the kitchen. everyone was fast asleep besides me. The baby monitor suddenly goes off. I hear voices saying my 6 month old daughters name Andrea. I hear lullabies coming from her room. I grab the sawed off shotgun from my closet and bolt to her room. She’s fast asleep. Theres nobody in her room. Maybe i’m just hearing things. I say to myself.
The next day i’m home alone with andrea while everyone’s at school and my wife’s at work. everything’s quiet. Andreas sleeping. I decide to take a shower. CRASH! I hope out of the shower and grab a towel and rush downstairs. Jane’s favorite vase that her mother got her right before she passed away is shattered on the ground. Nothing could have knocked it down. I’m spooked. Maybe it was just the wind that knocked it down from the open window in the living room. As i head back to the bathroom to finish my shower, i see footprints leading to the bathroom. but they didn’t look like normal human feet. They were deformed, with long claws and almost like a horse's hoof. On the mirror of the bathroom is written “Where i ended my life, hanging from a braid, come upstairs. don’t be afraid.” The attic. I creaked down the attic stairs as I slowly weave my body up the stairs. there's nothing there but our old furniture and some boxes for christmas decoration, But there's something that sits right in front of me. An old burnt copper photograph. A man, with an older women and two children. I flip it on the back and it says “ Wilkinson family. Date: Dec 17, 1936.” It's the family that got murdered here years ago. I recognize the man. That's the man i’ve been seeing in my dreams the past few nights. I head downstairs and try to forget everything. dinner that night i told my wife about her mother's face. She wasn’t really mad. she was actually pretty okay with it. I told her that I accidently knocked it down. Not wanting her to find out. “ Dad, the kids at school keep making fun of me. I'm sick of it. I'm scared now.” Adrian says. “There's nothing to be afraid of their just trying to scare you because you're the new kid in town.” But there is something to be afraid of. I keep it to myself.
It was a cold gloomy night. Stars hovering the air. I woke up from another nightmare of the man in the photograph again. The bathroom lights start flickering on and off. My Tv all of a sudden turns on. I Quickly turn it off trying not to wake my wife. “ Adrian is that you?” knowing that adrian sometimes sleepwalks. No answer. I walk to the bathroom. No one there. I hear giggling from a little girl. “come find us.” I quickly turn around no one there. I turn on the faucet and splash water on my face. I look up in the mirror. behind me is standing a little girl with a ribbon tied on her head, in a white laced dress. her eyes pale, a bullet hole in her left cheek on her face. Blood the color of red and black stained her dress. behind her is a boy, hair all burnt off. Clothes barbequed to a char. His right arm severed off, while his left hand is carrying his right disembodied limb. His stomach gauged open. you're not real. You can't be. As they walk closer to me, they start to sing lullabies. The same ones i heard in Andrea's room. “ Hush little baby don't you cry, daddy's gonna..” and they stop right there.  “ The things i saw my dad do, i can never tell. He tossed our hopeless bodies down the well.” They vanish and disappear. The Well. That's why their Bodies were never found. Their down the well. I hear chains dragging from across the yard. I hear a distinct laughter from a distance. I look out the bathroom window. He's standing there. The Whole Wilkinson family is out there. They start walking towards the house. I leap down the stairs. I try to lock the front door but now he's alone coming towards me. He smiles then jump towards me. I feel a shock rush through my body. I feel different. An evil mood chokes me. I feel like i start to change. I look in the mirror. I see him inside of me. My body has been taken over. A grin forms on my face. I head towards the garage to get a pitch fork. I walk up the stairs to my bedroom, dragging the pitch fork. My wife sound asleep. I raise the pitch fork and with force it hits my wife in the stomach piercing every organ that stood in the way. The blood drips down, soaking the mattress. The pitchfork coming out the other end of the bed.  I head to Adrian’s room now. I grab the baseball bat hanging from the hallway shelf from all the years of practicing baseball with Adrian. I slither through his door. With force, i take a swing right at his cranium. He’s unconscious. I tie ropes to his feet and drag him through the house. Blood streaking through the house, the thuds his head makes hitting step after step. I drag his body all through the woods until i reach the pond. Pulling him by his hair i put him under. Squirming around fighting for his last breath, then he stops moving. His life-less body lays there as his bloods overflowing the pond. I scrunch his body up into a garbage bag. and tie it shut. I rest his body next to the well. Andreas the only one left. I tiptoe through the kitchen, grabbing the sharpest knife i can find. “ keep on going. There's nothing to be afraid of.” The voices in my head are telling me. Andreas crawling in her crib. The Knife so sharp and clean i see my own reflection. But it's not me. Mr.Wilkinson has taken over my body. My soul. I Lift up the knife ready to commit my act. My conscience telling me to continue but i drop the knife, tuck andrea in and sing her a lullaby. i creep out of her room and shut the door. I pick up my wifes body and take her down by the well. My body frozen with blood as the cold november air hits my bodie. i put her down. I drop Adrian down the ivy covered yellow bricked well hearing the water splash echo all the way to my ears. Then i drop Jane in the well next. Her body violently hitting the sides of the well then finally hitting the bottom. My smile grows bigger and bigger. I head to the garage. Two tanks of gasoline left. I drowse the house floors with gasoline, soaking everything i own with gasoline. Andrea still in her room, asleep as she’s about to be burnt alive. I head outside to the front of my house. I take a match out of my pocket. light it, then drop it on my front porch. My dream house igniting in flames. Wood cracking, as the house burns. I grab my sawed off shotgun. point it to my skull. My smiles grows even more bigger. One bullet left. I look back at my house, almost nothing left. I hear police sirens growing closer and closer. I close my eyes and pull the trigger.

The author's comments:

I wrote this in 8th grade and i am now a jr in highschool

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