Revenge | Teen Ink


May 25, 2016
By hashtagmarshmallow SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
hashtagmarshmallow SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Mistakes are pinful when they happen, but years later a collection of mistakes is what is called experience"

“It’s not working,” she muttered. “You have to try harder than that, we can't leave if she’s
still alive. If you can’t do it let me.” Alexa pushed Sadie out of the way and threw her to the ground. She grabbed the bat from Sadie and plunged it into her face. Once, twice, and then a
third time. Lucy let out whimper as the blood poured out of her face. She was gone. “She had
nothing to do with it. I wanted to play with the Ouija board. It was my idea!”

          Alexa ignored Sadie’s cries and began to dig a hole big enough to dispose of Lucy’s
mutilated body. While Alexa dug up the hole all Sadie could do was cry. They pushed her body
in the hole and covered it up, as if there wasn’t a body under it.

          They started to walk home but Sadie stopped Alexa. “Alexa it was all my fault. We have to
turn ourselves in or I’ll do it for the both of us,” Sadie cried. “Don’t be silly. You wanted to play
and we did. Lucy asked a stupid question. You know she really wanted to know how to kill your
best friend. She asked how to kill me and I stopped her before she could do anything. She
deserved it, she had it coming.”

          When they walked into their house Alexa felt weird about it. Someone was there and
Sadie knew exactly who it was. They stormed off to bed and slept.

          At 2am they were awoken to scratches on their door. They got out of bed to see what was
disturbing their sleep. In a blink of an eye the door swung open and Alexa was thrown across
the room to the ground. Sadie walked over and joined Lucy. She gave the bat to Sadie and they
walked up to Alexa, slowly and slowly…….

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