Greek Statue | Teen Ink

Greek Statue

May 31, 2016
By Akeem17 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
Akeem17 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A few years back, a friend of my friend died. It was really terrible and I heard the scene was pretty gruesome. She was around 17 or 18, she worked as a babysitter. One night she was sitting for a couple who wanted to take a break and some some time together. When she got to the house, she was told the two kids were already asleep and all she had to do was watch them, simple enough, right? Well that’s where things got bad. A few hours into the night, she apparently went to check on them, to make sure everything was alright.

Once in the kid’s rooms, she saw a weird statue outside. It looked like a Greek statue of some ancient god no one had worshipped in centuries. “Poor thing.” she thought. “Looks kinda creepy though” she said aloud to no one. She noticed the bedroom window to the kids’ room was slightly cracked open and the blinds were pulled up. She decided to call the parents.

“Can I close the kids’ bedroom window or pull down the blinds?” She asked.

“Sure you can.” the mother replied, “But why, may I ask.” she continued.

“It’s the statue you guys have. It’s kind of making me nervous.” She answered.

“We don't have a statue.” The mother said sounding concerned.

“What do you mean? There’s a big Greek statue in your backyard” the babysitter responded, now more afraid than nervous.

“Take the kids and leave. We’re calling the cops. We don't have a statue of any kind in our yard.” the mother instructed, sounding very frightened.

By the time the police arrived, about five minutes had passed. All they found were three mangled corpses, a house covered on the inside with blood, but the statue was nowhere to be found.

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