Coincidentally Frie | Teen Ink

Coincidentally Frie

October 14, 2016
By Jacky.N BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
Jacky.N BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Why did I trust him? If I didn’t trust people so easily I wouldn’t be in this mess. I mean, my family also trusted him. I can’t blame it all on me because he used a good excuse for me to come here, I mean, I would do anything for my family no matter what. I can’t be that harsh because he is my dad’s cousin. When we arrived to the house he took me to a room. Then he grabbed me from behind took me to the bed, and tied me to with a rope. When he finished tying me, he left and closed the door. What he didn’t notice is that he didn’t tie me tight enough, so my hands were able to slide free. I got out of the room, and started checking the house for any escapes or some clues of who he actually was. When I was looking around the house, I found out that I wasn’t the only one that has been here because I saw some toys and blankets that were used already. In one of the rooms I saw some pictures of what he does to other girls, and I found out that he was going to kill me, which made my heart started beating constantly “BADUMP, BADUMP, BADUMP”, beating faster than ever before.
I felt like I was part of a horror movie, and I knew that most of the time someone dies in the movie. When I was checking the house, I opened a door and found another person that was a girl just like me. She was terrified and traumatized that she stuttered a lot when I kept asking her questions. I stopped asking questions because I knew it was hard for her to remember all those bad memories she has lived.  When I calmed her down, I asked her what her name was, and she said, “My name is Isabel”. We started talking more and thinking of a plan to escape, after talking it out for a few hours, we came up with a good one. The only thing we needed is to not let him know that we have met. When I saw him coming from the window that wasn’t closed all the way, we went running to our room where kept us.
After a few days, I knew his routine, which helped us think of a scheduled plan. We started gathering the things we needed to be able to escape and saving some food that he gave us. We hid all of that stuff in a place that we found while checking the house. It was a part behind a shelf that lead to a basement full of chemicals. I guess it’s where he creates the poisons to kill people. Isabel and I had to leave before Friday because we found out that he will kill us on Friday as a sacrifice, which meant we had four days to leave because it was Sunday.
When the day came, I was very shaky and nervous because I couldn’t imagine what he would do to us if he caught us. We got everything ready to leave, which meant it was too late to back out. We got out through the window because it was the only way that wasn’t really secured. When we were out, we ran to the forest, and she tripped on a root from a tree that sprained her ankle. Since the forest was full of trees and the roots sticking out of the ground, it would be hard for her to run, so I had to help her walk which was a problem because she was making us slow down and the guy was chasing us. After running for an hour or so, we got close to the police station, so we started to run/skip faster than before because we were scared of him catching us. We were really close to freedom. We finally got to the police station where they helped us out. After all of that happened, me and Isabel were such close friends that they would even call us sisters because we would always do everything together. Even though we met in a terrible situation, I’m glad that it was there because we bonded really well, and I knew I could trust her no matter what. In terrible situations, this is where you find your true friends because they are the ones that stick with you not like the fake ones that just leave.

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