The Spooky Mistake | Teen Ink

The Spooky Mistake

October 14, 2016
By Vivian! BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
Vivian! BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Suspicion was filling the room. I am a student at Little East High School name Clair and I am a detective at my school. My partner Zach and I really love Halloween. When Halloween comes, we would go and tell everyone what we were going to wear for the Halloween party at our school. The day where everyone was going to go get sweet delicious candy and dressed in their costume as a ghost, vampire, werewolf and other things. There was going to be a Halloween party in our school gym. I had a case to solve.
There was a case about missing candy for the party someone had stolen before it even started. “Oh great,” said my partner, “a case on my favorite day Halloween.” I told him. “Well, let’s just see what it is about. Amy, one of our friend who was in charge of the Halloween party, came in worried saying that all the candy was missing. Zach and I was surprised who would want to steal candy from the party.  We went around going crazy trying to find all of our tools that we needed to solve the case right about when we had all our supplies. Amy had yelled, “Stop!”  We stood still where we were at, like statues then Amy had told us to calm down.
After we had got everything, Amy had taken us to the place where the candy was stored which was inside the gym. The gym was decorated with fake spider web, spiders, pumpkins, and skeletons, toilet paper, sewing strings being hanged, and fake skeletons. The candy was stored in a big container behind the drapes before it was stolen. Zach and I went around the gym where the party was going to be at to look for clues. We dusted the container for prints and we found two clues there was a torn piece of blue cloth and dusty prints of the culprit. Then a custodian went across the door of the gym very quickly Zach and I was thinking maybe we should ask if she noticed anything. We tried stopping the custodian but she had left the hallway and turned right. After that Zach heard a crash, the custodian had bumped into a boy who was dressed as a blue ghost. (Aside: Clair and Zach did not even notice that the custodian was an actual student and the cart that she was pushing was filled with the stolen candy, and when she had bumped the blue ghost she had passed a note.)
The party was about to start and people are starting to come in. The girl had stand up and the boy dressed as a blue ghost had left and we went back to investigating somewhere else, but near the site. While the girl had left I noticed that there was something colorful in her cart and it smelled very sweet and tasty. So I ran fast like I was in a marathon and chased her down. I uncovered the thing she used to cover the cart inside was all the candy that was stolen. Zach excited said,” Hooray the party is going to continue.” Amy and I laughed and after that we asked why she had done that. She told us that kids in the hospital can’t go trick or treating on Halloween day so she wanted to take the candy to give it to them.
So everyone at the party decided to donate the candy to the hospital and visited the children also each person brought in a toy for the children’s. I had a great feeling when I saw the happy faces in the children grinning from ear to ear, it melted my heart. I never got to experience that or see a little child being that happy.

The author's comments:

What inspired me? Halloween was coming up and the cold season was starting to come in and people start donatinng things.

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